.. _doc_upgrading_to_godot_4.2: Upgrading from Godot 4.1 to Godot 4.2 ===================================== For most games and apps made with 4.1 it should be relatively safe to migrate to 4.2. This page intends to cover everything you need to pay attention to when migrating your project. Breaking changes ---------------- If you are migrating from 4.1 to 4.2, the breaking changes listed here might affect you. Changes are grouped by areas/systems. .. warning:: The :ref:`class_Mesh` resource format has changed in 4.2 to allow for `vertex and attribute compression `__. This allows for improved rendering performance, especially on platforms constrained by memory bandwidth such as mobile. It is still possible to load the Godot 4.0-4.1 Mesh formats, but it is **not** possible to load the Godot 4.2 Mesh format in prior Godot versions. When opening a Godot project made with a version prior to 4.2, you may be presented with an upgrade dialog that offers two options: - **Restart & Upgrade:** Upgrades the mesh format for all meshes in the project and saves the result to disk. Once chosen, this option prevents downgrading the project to a Godot version prior to 4.2. Set up a version control system and push your changes *before* choosing this option! - **Upgrade Only:** Upgrades the mesh format in-memory without writing it to disk. This allows downgrading the project to a Godot version older than 4.2 if you need to do so in the future. The downside is that loading the project will be slower every time as the mesh format needs to be upgraded every time the project is loaded. These increased loading times will also affect the exported project. The number and complexity of Mesh resources determines how much loading times are affected. If this dialog doesn't appear, use **Project > Tools > Upgrade Mesh Surfaces…** at the top of the editor. This article indicates whether each breaking change affects GDScript and whether the C# breaking change is *binary compatible* or *source compatible*: - **Binary compatible** - Existing binaries will load and execute successfully without recompilation, and the run-time behavior won't change. - **Source compatible** - Source code will compile successfully without changes when upgrading Godot. Core ^^^^ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Change GDScript Compatible C# Binary Compatible C# Source Compatible Introduced ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== **Node** Constant ``NOTIFICATION_NODE_RECACHE_REQUESTED`` removed |❌| |✔️| |❌| `GH-84419`_ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Animation ^^^^^^^^^ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Change GDScript Compatible C# Binary Compatible C# Source Compatible Introduced ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== **AnimationPlayer** Method ``_post_process_key_value`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``add_animation_library`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``advance`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Signal ``animation_finished`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-80813`_ Signal ``animation_started`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-80813`_ Signal ``animation_libraries_updated`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Signal ``animation_list_changed`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Property ``audio_max_polyphony`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Signal ``caches_cleared`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``clear_caches`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``find_animation`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``find_animation_library`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_animation`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_animation_library`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_animation_library_list`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_animation_list`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``has_animation`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``has_animation_library`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Property ``method_call_mode`` renamed to ``callback_mode_method`` and moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-80813`_ Property ``playback_active`` renamed to ``active`` and moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-80813`_ Property ``playback_process_mode`` renamed to ``callback_mode_process`` and moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-80813`_ Method ``remove_animation_library`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``rename_animation_library`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Property ``reset_on_save`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Property ``root_node`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``set_reset_on_save_enabled`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``seek`` adds a new ``update_only`` optional parameter |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ **AnimationTree** Method ``_post_process_key_value`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Property ``active`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``advance`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Signal ``animation_finished`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-80813`_ Signal ``animation_started`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-80813`_ Property ``audio_max_polyphony`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_root_motion_position`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_root_motion_position_accumulator`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_root_motion_rotation`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_root_motion_rotation_accumulator`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_root_motion_scale`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Method ``get_root_motion_scale_accumulator`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Property ``process_callback`` renamed to ``callback_mode_process`` and moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-80813`_ Property ``root_motion_track`` moved to base class ``AnimationMixer`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-80813`_ Property ``tree_root`` changes type from ``AnimationNode`` to ``AnimationRootNode`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-80813`_ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== GUI nodes ^^^^^^^^^ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Change GDScript Compatible C# Binary Compatible C# Source Compatible Introduced ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== **PopupMenu** Method ``add_icon_shortcut`` adds a new ``allow_echo`` optional parameter |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-36493`_ Method ``add_shortcut`` adds a new ``allow_echo`` optional parameter |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-36493`_ Method ``clear`` adds a new ``free_submenus`` optional parameter |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-79965`_ **RichTextLabel** Method ``add_image`` adds new ``key``, ``pad``, ``tooltip``, and ``size_in_percent`` optional parameters |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️| `GH-80410`_ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Rendering ^^^^^^^^^ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Change GDScript Compatible C# Binary Compatible C# Source Compatible Introduced ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== **ImporterMesh** Method ``add_surface`` changes ``flags`` parameter type from ``uint32`` to ``uint64`` |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-81138`_ Method ``get_surface_format`` changes return type from ``uint32`` to ``uint64`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-81138`_ **MeshDataTool** Method ``commit_to_surface`` adds a new ``compression_flags`` optional parameter |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️| `GH-81138`_ Method ``get_format`` changes return type from ``uint32`` to ``uint64`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-81138`_ **RenderingDevice** Enum field ``BarrierMask.BARRIER_MASK_RASTER`` changes value from ``1`` to ``9`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79911`_ Enum field ``BarrierMask.BARRIER_MASK_ALL_BARRIERS`` changes value from ``7`` to ``32767`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79911`_ Enum field ``BarrierMask.BARRIER_MASK_NO_BARRIER`` changes value from ``8`` to ``32768`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79911`_ Method ``shader_create_from_bytecode`` adds a new ``placeholder_rid`` optional parameter |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️| `GH-79606`_ Method ``shader_get_vertex_input_attribute_ask`` changes return type from ``uint32`` to ``uint64`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-81138`_ **SurfaceTool** Method ``commit`` changes ``flags`` parameter type from ``uint32`` to ``uint64`` |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-81138`_ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Text ^^^^ ==================================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Change GDScript Compatible C# Binary Compatible C# Source Compatible Introduced ==================================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== **Font** Method ``set_fallbacks`` replaced with ``fallbacks`` property |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-78266`_ Method ``get_fallbacks`` replaced with ``fallbacks`` property |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-78266`_ Method ``find_variation`` adds new ``spacing_top``, ``spacing_bottom``, ``spacing_space``, and ``spacing_glyph`` optional parameters |✔️| |✔️ with compat| |✔️| `GH-80954`_ ==================================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== GraphEdit ^^^^^^^^^ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Change GDScript Compatible C# Binary Compatible C# Source Compatible Introduced ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== **GraphEdit** Property ``arrange_nodes_button_hidden`` renamed to ``show_arrange_button`` |❌| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-81582`_ Method ``get_zoom_hbox`` renamed to ``get_menu_hbox`` |❌| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-79308`_ Property ``snap_distance`` renamed to ``snapping_distance`` |❌| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-79308`_ Property ``use_snap`` renamed to ``snapping_enabled`` |❌| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-79308`_ **GraphNode** Property ``comment`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79307`_ Signal ``close_request`` renamed to ``delete_request`` and moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |❌| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-79311`_ Property ``draggable`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Property ``draggable`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Signal ``dragged`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_input_color`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_input_count`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_input_height`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_input_position`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_input_slot`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_input_type`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_output_color`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_output_count`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_output_height`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_output_position`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_output_slot`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Method ``get_connection_output_type`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Property ``language`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Signal ``node_deselected`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Signal ``node_selected`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Property ``overlay`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Property ``position_offset`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Signal ``position_offset_changed`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Signal ``raise_request`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Property ``resizable`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Signal ``resize_request`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Property ``selectable`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Property ``selected`` moved to base class ``GraphElement`` |✔️| |✔️| |✔️| `GH-79311`_ Property ``show_close`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ Property ``text_direction`` removed |❌| |❌| |❌| `GH-79311`_ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== TileMap ^^^^^^^ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Change GDScript Compatible C# Binary Compatible C# Source Compatible Introduced ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== **TileMap** Property ``cell_quadrant_size`` renamed to ``rendering_quadrant_size`` |❌| |✔️ with compat| |✔️ with compat| `GH-81070`_ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== XR ^^ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== Change GDScript Compatible C# Binary Compatible C# Source Compatible Introduced ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== **XRInterface** Property ``environment_blend_mode`` added |✔️| |❌| |❌| `GH-81561`_ ======================================================================================================================== =================== ==================== ==================== =========== .. note:: This change breaks compatibility in C# because the new property conflicts with the name of an existing enum and the C# bindings generator gives priority to properties, so the enum type was renamed from ``EnvironmentBlendMode`` to ``EnvironmentBlendModeEnum``. .. |❌| replace:: :abbr:`❌ (This API breaks compatibility.)` .. |✔️| replace:: :abbr:`✔️ (This API does not break compatibility.)` .. |✔️ with compat| replace:: :abbr:`✔️ (This API does not break compatibility. A compatibility method was added.)` .. _GH-36493: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/36493 .. _GH-78266: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/78266 .. _GH-79307: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/79307 .. _GH-79308: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/79308 .. _GH-79311: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/79311 .. _GH-79606: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/79606 .. _GH-79911: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/79911 .. _GH-79965: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/79965 .. _GH-80410: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/80410 .. _GH-80813: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/80813 .. _GH-80954: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/80954 .. _GH-81070: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/81070 .. _GH-81138: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/81138 .. _GH-81561: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/81561 .. _GH-81582: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/81582 .. _GH-84419: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/84419