Work in progress

The content of this page was not yet updated for Godot 4.2 and may be outdated. If you know how to improve this page or you can confirm that it's up to date, feel free to open a pull request.

Gramática GDScript

Esta é a gramática formal do GDScript escrita em EBNF, para fins de referência.


Esta gramática é apenas descritiva, derivada da documentação de referência e da implementação atual. O analisador do GDScript não é gerado a partir de uma definição de gramática. Inconsistências aqui provavelmente significam um erro nesta gramática, não um bug no GDScript.

(* GDScript EBNF grammar.
   Uppercase words are terminals generated by the tokenizer.
   INDENT/DEDENT are not generated by the tokenizer yet, but they are added
   here for reading convenience.
   Naturally, this only cover syntax. Semantics can't be inferred from this

program = [ inheritance NEWLINE ] [ className ] { topLevelDecl } ;

inheritance = "extends" ( IDENTIFIER | STRING ) { "." IDENTIFIER } ;
className = "class_name" IDENTIFIER [ "," STRING ] NEWLINE ;

    = classVarDecl
    | constDecl
    | signalDecl
    | enumDecl
    | methodDecl
    | constructorDecl
    | innerClass
    | "tool"

classVarDecl = [ "onready" ] [ export ] "var" IDENTIFIER [ ":" typeHint ]
    [ "=" expression ] [ setget ] NEWLINE ;
setget = "setget" [ IDENTIFIER ] [ "," IDENTIFIER] ;
export = "export" [ "(" [ BUILTINTYPE | IDENTIFIER { "," literal } ] ")" ] ;

constDecl = "const" IDENTIFIER [ ":" typeHint ] "=" expression NEWLINE ;

signalDecl = "signal" IDENTIFIER [ signalParList ] NEWLINE ;
signalParList = "(" [ IDENTIFIER { "," IDENTIFIER } ] ")" ;

enumDecl = "enum" [ IDENTIFIER ] "{" [ IDENTIFIER [ "=" INTEGER ]
    { "," IDENTIFIER [ "=" INTEGER ] } [ "," ] ] "}" NEWLINE ;

methodDecl = [ rpc ] [ "static" ] "func" IDENTIFIER "(" [ parList ] ")"
    [ "->" typeHint] ":" stmtOrSuite ;
parList = parameter { "," parameter } ;
parameter = [ "var" ] IDENTIFIER [ ":" typeHint ] [ "=" expression ] ;
rpc = "remote" | "master" | "puppet"
    | "remotesync" | "mastersync"  | "puppetsync";

constructorDecl = "func" IDENTIFIER "(" [ parList ] ")"
    [ "." "(" [ argList ] ")" ] ":" stmtOrSuite ;
argList = expression { "," expression } ;

innerClass = "class" IDENTIFIER [ inheritance ] ":" NEWLINE
    INDENT [ inheritance NEWLINE ] topLevelDecl { topLevelDecl } DEDENT ;

stmtOrSuite = stmt | NEWLINE INDENT suite DEDENT ;
suite = stmt { stmt };

    = varDeclStmt
    | ifStmt
    | forStmt
    | whileStmt
    | matchStmt
    | flowStmt
    | assignmentStmt
    | exprStmt
    | assertStmt
    | yieldStmt
    | preloadStmt
    | "breakpoint" stmtEnd
    | "pass" stmtEnd
stmtEnd = NEWLINE | ";" ;

ifStmt = "if" expression ":" stmtOrSuite { "elif" expression ":" stmtOrSuite }
    [ "else" ":" stmtOrSuite ] ;
whileStmt = "while" expression ":" stmtOrSuite;
forStmt = "for" IDENTIFIER "in" expression ":" stmtOrSuite ;

matchStmt = "match" expression ":" NEWLINE INDENT matchBlock DEDENT;
matchBlock = patternList ":" stmtOrSuite { patternList ":" stmtOrSuite };
patternList = pattern { "," pattern } ;
(* Note: you can't have a binding in a pattern list, but to not complicate the
grammar more it won't be restricted syntactically *)
pattern = literal | BUILTINTYPE | CONSTANT | "_" | bindingPattern
    | arrayPattern | dictPattern ;
bindingPattern = "var" IDENTIFIER ;
arrayPattern = "[" [ pattern { "," pattern } [ ".." ] ] "]" ;
dictPattern = "{" [ keyValuePattern ] { "," keyValuePattern } [ ".." ] "}" ;
keyValuePattern = STRING [ ":" pattern ] ;

    = "continue" stmtEnd
    | "break" stmtEnd
    | "return" [ expression ] stmtEnd

assignmentStmt = subscription ( "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/="
| "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" ) expression stmtEnd;
varDeclStmt = "var" IDENTIFIER [ "=" expression ] stmtEnd;

assertStmt = "assert" "(" expression [ "," STRING ] ")" stmtEnd ;
yieldStmt = "yield" "(" [ expression "," expression ] ")" ;
preloadStmt = "preload" "(" CONSTANT ")" ;

(* This expression grammar encodes precedence. Items later in the list have
higher precedence than the ones before. *)
exprStmt = expression stmtEnd ;
expression = cast [ "[" expression "]" ] ;
cast = ternaryExpr [ "as" typeHint ];
ternaryExpr = logicOr [ "if" logicOr "else" logicOr ] ;
logicOr = logicAnd { ( "or" | "||" ) logicAnd } ;
logicAnd = logicNot { ( "and" | "&&" ) logicNot };
logicNot = ( "!" | "not" ) logicNot | in;
in = comparison { "in" comparison };
comparison = bitOr { ( "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "==" | "!=" ) bitOr } ;
bitOr = bitXor { "|" bitXor } ;
bitXor = bitAnd { "^" bitAnd } ;
bitAnd = bitShift { "&" bitShift } ;
bitShift = minus { ( "<<" | ">>" ) minus } ;
minus = plus { "-" plus } ;
plus = factor { "+" factor } ;
factor = sign { ( "*" | "/" | "%" ) sign } ;
sign = ( "-" | "+" ) sign | bitNot ;
bitNot = "~" bitNot | is ;
is = call [ "is" ( IDENTIFIER | BUILTINTYPE ) ] ;
    = (attribute [ "(" [ argList ] ")" ])
    | "." IDENTIFIER "(" [ argList ] ")"
    | "$" ( STRING | IDENTIFIER { '/' IDENTIFIER } );
attribute = subscription { "." IDENTIFIER } ;
subscription = primary [ "[" expression "]" ] ;
primary = "true" | "false" | "null" | "self" | literal | arrayDecl
    | dictDecl | "(" expression ")" ;

    | "PI" | "TAU" | "NAN" | "INF" ;
arrayDecl = "[" [ expression { "," expression } "," ] "]" ;
dictDecl = "{" [ keyValue { "," keyValue } "," ] "}" ;
    = expression ":" expression
    | IDENTIFIER "=" expression