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This page is up to date for Godot 4.2. If you still find outdated information, please open an issue.

Руководство по командной строке

Некоторым разработчикам нравится широко использовать командную строку. Godot разработан для того, чтобы быть дружелюбным к ним, поэтому здесь приведены шаги для работы полностью из командной строки. Поскольку механизм практически не опирается на внешние библиотеки, время инициализации довольно быстрое, что делает его подходящим для данного рабочего процесса.


В Windows и Linux вы можете запустить исполняемый файл Godot в терминале, указав его относительный или абсолютный путь.

На MacOS процесс отличается для Godot из-за того что Godot содержится в .app (который является папкой, а не файлом). Что бы запустить бинарный файл движка Godot с терминала на MacOS, надо перейти в папку где находится Godot с помощью команды cd, а затем запустить Godot, введя в терминал следующее: Godot.app/Contents/MacOS/Godot указав после этого аргументы запуска. Если вы переименовали папку с Godot, то убедитесь в том что вы изменили команду для запуска Godot соответсвующе.

Ссылка на командную строку


  • release Available in editor builds, debug export templates and release export templates.

  • debug Available in editor builds and debug export templates only.

  • editor Only available in editor builds.

Note that unknown command line arguments have no effect whatsoever. The engine will not warn you when using a command line argument that doesn't exist with a given build type.

Основные настройки



-h, --help

release Display the list of command line options.


release Display the version string.

-v, --verbose

release Use verbose stdout mode.

-q, --quiet

release Quiet mode, silences stdout messages. Errors are still displayed.

Параметры запуска



--, ++

release Separator for user-provided arguments. Following arguments are not used by the engine, but can be read from OS.get_cmdline_user_args().

-e, --editor

editor Start the editor instead of running the scene.

-p, --project-manager

editor Start the Project Manager, even if a project is auto-detected.

--debug-server <uri>

editor Start the editor debug server (<protocol>://<host/IP>[:<port>], e.g. tcp://


release Quit after the first iteration.


release Quit after the given number of iterations. Set to 0 to disable.

-l, --language <locale>

release Use a specific locale. <locale> follows the format language_Script_COUNTRY_VARIANT where language is a 2 or 3-letter language code in lowercase and the rest is optional. See Locale codes for more details.

--path <directory>

release Path to a project (<directory> must contain a 'project.godot' file).

-u, --upwards

release Scan folders upwards for 'project.godot' file.

--main-pack <file>

release Path to a pack (.pck) file to load.

--render-thread <mode>

release Render thread mode ('unsafe', 'safe', 'separate'). See Thread Model for more details.

--remote-fs <address>

release Remote filesystem (<host/IP>[:<port>] address).

--remote-fs-password <password>

release Password for remote filesystem.

--audio-driver <driver>

release Audio driver. Use --help first to display the list of available drivers.

--display-driver <driver>

release Display driver (and rendering driver). Use --help first to display the list of available drivers.

--rendering-method <renderer>

release Renderer name. Requires driver support.

--rendering-driver <driver>

release Rendering driver (depends on display driver). Use --help first to display the list of available drivers.

--gpu-index <device_index>

release Use a specific GPU (run with --verbose to get available device list).

--text-driver <driver>

release Text driver (Fonts, BiDi, shaping).

--tablet-driver <driver>

release Pen tablet input driver.


release Enable headless mode (--display-driver headless --audio-driver Dummy). Useful for servers and with --script.

--write-movie <file>

release Run the engine in a way that a movie is written (usually with .avi or .png extension). --fixed-fps is forced when enabled, but can be used to change movie FPS. --disable-vsync can speed up movie writing but makes interaction more difficult. --quit-after can be used to specify the number of frames to write.

Опции дисплея



-f, --fullscreen

release Request fullscreen mode.

-m, --maximized

release Request a maximized window.

-w, --windowed

release Request windowed mode.

-t, --always-on-top

release Request an always-on-top window.

--resolution <W>x<H>

release Request window resolution.

--position <X>,<Y>

release Request window position.

--screen <N>

release Request window screen.


release Use a single window (no separate subwindows).

--xr-mode <mode>

release Select XR mode ('default', 'off', 'on').

Опции отладки



-d, --debug

release Debug (local stdout debugger).

-b, --breakpoints

release Breakpoint list as source::line comma-separated pairs, no spaces (use %20 instead).


release Enable profiling in the script debugger.


release Show a GPU profile of the tasks that took the most time during frame rendering.


release Enable graphics API validation layers for debugging.


debug Abort on GPU errors (usually validation layer errors), may help see the problem if your system freezes.

--remote-debug <uri>

release Remote debug (<protocol>://<host/IP>[:<port>], e.g. tcp://


release Scene tree runs in single-threaded mode. Sub-thread groups are disabled and run on the main thread.


debug Show collision shapes when running the scene.


debug Show path lines when running the scene.


debug Show navigation polygons when running the scene.


debug Show navigation avoidance debug visuals when running the scene.


debug Print all StringName allocations to stdout when the engine quits.

--frame-delay <ms>

release Simulate high CPU load (delay each frame by <ms> milliseconds).

--time-scale <scale>

release Force time scale (higher values are faster, 1.0 is normal speed).


release Forces disabling of vertical synchronization, even if enabled in the project settings. Does not override driver-level V-Sync enforcement.


release Disable render loop so rendering only occurs when called explicitly from script.


release Disable crash handler when supported by the platform code.

--fixed-fps <fps>

release Force a fixed number of frames per second. This setting disables real-time synchronization.

--delta-smoothing <enable>

release Enable or disable frame delta smoothing ('enable', 'disable').


release Print the frames per second to the stdout.

Автономные инструменты



-s, --script <script>

release Run a script.


release Only parse for errors and quit (use with --script).

--export-release <preset> <path>

editor Export the project using the given preset and matching release template. The preset name should match one defined in export_presets.cfg. <path> should be absolute or relative to the project directory, and include the filename for the binary (e.g. 'builds/game.exe'). The target directory should exist.

--export-debug <preset> <path>

editor Like --export-release, but use debug template.

--export-pack <preset> <path>

editor Like --export-release, but only export the game pack for the given preset. The <path> extension determines whether it will be in PCK or ZIP format.

--convert-3to4 [<max_file_kb>] [<max_line_size>]

editor Convert project from Godot 3.x to Godot 4.x.

--validate-conversion-3to4 [<max_file_kb>] [<max_line_size>]

editor Show what elements will be renamed when converting project from Godot 3.x to Godot 4.x.

--doctool [<path>]

editor Dump the engine API reference to the given <path> in XML format, merging if existing files are found.


editor Disallow dumping the base types (used with --doctool).

--gdscript-docs <path>

editor Rather than dumping the engine API, generate API reference from the inline documentation in the GDScript files found in <path> (used with --doctool).


editor Build the scripting solutions (e.g. for C# projects). Implies --editor and requires a valid project to edit.


editor Generate GDExtension header file 'gdnative_interface.h' in the current folder. This file is the base file required to implement a GDExtension.


editor Generate JSON dump of the Godot API for GDExtension bindings named 'extension_api.json' in the current folder.

--validate-extension-api <path>

editor Validate an extension API file dumped (with the option above) from a previous version of the engine to ensure API compatibility. If incompatibilities or errors are detected, the return code will be non-zero.


editor Benchmark the run time and print it to console.

--benchmark-file <path>

editor Benchmark the run time and save it to a given file in JSON format. The path should be absolute.


It is recommended to place your Godot editor binary in your PATH environment variable, so it can be executed easily from any place by typing godot. You can do so on Linux by placing the Godot binary in /usr/local/bin and making sure it is called godot (case-sensitive).

To achieve this on Windows or macOS easily, you can install Godot using Scoop (on Windows) or Homebrew (on macOS). This will automatically make the copy of Godot installed available in the PATH:

# Standard editor:
scoop install godot

# Editor with C# support (will be available as `godot-mono` in `PATH`):
scoop install godot-mono

Настройка пути проекта

В зависимости от того, где расположен ваш бинарный файл Godot и какая у вас рабочая директория, для корректной работы одной из следующих команд может понадобиться указать путь к вашему проекту.

When running the editor, this can be done by giving the path to the project.godot file of your project as either the first argument, like this:

godot path_to_your_project/project.godot [other] [commands] [and] [args]

For all commands, this can be done by using the --path argument:

godot --path path_to_your_project [other] [commands] [and] [args]

Например, полная команда для экспорта вашей игры (описано ниже) может выглядеть следующим образом:

godot --headless --path path_to_your_project --export-release my_export_preset_name game.exe

When starting from a subdirectory of your project, use the --upwards argument for Godot to automatically find the project.godot file by recursively searching the parent directories.

For example, running a scene (as explained below) nested in a subdirectory might look like this when your working directory is in the same path:

godot --upwards nested_scene.tscn

Создание проекта

Creating a project from the command line can be done by navigating the shell to the desired place and making a project.godot file.

mkdir newgame
cd newgame
touch project.godot

Теперь проект можно открыть с помощью Godot.

Запуск редактора

Running the editor is done by executing Godot with the -e flag. This must be done from within the project directory or by setting the project path as explained above, otherwise the command is ignored and the Project Manager appears.

godot -e

When passing in the full path to the project.godot file, the -e flag may be omitted.

Если сцена была создана и сохранена, ее можно отредактировать позже, запустив тот же код с этой сценой в качестве аргумента.

godot -e scene.tscn

Удаление сцены

Godot is friends with your filesystem and will not create extra metadata files. Use rm to erase a scene file. Make sure nothing references that scene. Otherwise, an error will be thrown upon opening the project.

rm scene.tscn

Запуск игры

To run the game, execute Godot within the project directory or with the project path as explained above.


Note that passing in the project.godot file will always run the editor instead of running the game.

Если необходимо протестировать определенную сцену, передайте ее в командную строку.

godot scene.tscn


Catching errors in the command line can be a difficult task because they scroll quickly. For this, a command line debugger is provided by adding -d. It works for running either the game or a single scene.

godot -d
godot -d scene.tscn


Exporting the project from the command line is also supported. This is especially useful for continuous integration setups.


Using the --headless command line argument is required on platforms that do not have GPU access (such as continuous integration). On platforms with GPU access, --headless prevents a window from spawning while the project is exporting.

# `godot` must be a Godot editor binary, not an export template.
# Also, export templates must be installed for the editor
# (or a valid custom export template must be defined in the export preset).
godot --headless --export-release "Linux/X11" /var/builds/project
godot --headless --export-release Android /var/builds/project.apk

Имя предустановки должно совпадать с именем предустановки экспорта, определенной в файле проекта export_presets.cfg. Если имя предустановки содержит пробелы или специальные символы (например, «Рабочий стол Windows»), оно должно быть заключено в кавычки.

To export a debug version of the game, use the --export-debug switch instead of --export-release. Their parameters and usage are the same.

To export only a PCK file, use the --export-pack option followed by the preset name and output path, with the file extension, instead of --export-release or --export-debug. The output path extension determines the package's format, either PCK or ZIP.


When specifying a relative path as the path for --export-release, --export-debug or --export-pack, the path will be relative to the directory containing the project.godot file, not relative to the current working directory.

Запуск скрипта

It is possible to run a .gd script from the command line. This feature is especially useful in large projects, e.g. for batch conversion of assets or custom import/export.

Скрипт должен наследоваться от SceneTree или MainLoop.

Here is an example sayhello.gd, showing how it works:

#!/usr/bin/env -S godot -s
extends SceneTree

func _init():

И как запустить его:

# Prints "Hello!" to standard output.
godot -s sayhello.gd

Если файл project.godot не существует в пути, то текущий путь считается текущим рабочим каталогом (если не указано --path).

Первая строка sayhello.gd отсылается к так называемому шебангу. По правилам этой инструкции, если бинарный исполняемый файл Godot указан в переменной окружения PATH как godot, вы сможете запускать скрипт в современных дистрибутивах Linux, а также в macOS:

# Mark script as executable.
chmod +x sayhello.gd
# Prints "Hello!" to standard output.

Если вышеперечисленное не работает в вашей текущей версии Linux или macOS, вы всегда можете заставить шебанг запускать Godot прямо с того места, где он находится, следующим образом:

#!/usr/bin/godot -s