Godot 文档 – 3.5 分支


This documentation is translated from the original English one by community members on Weblate.

根据翻译工作的完成度,您可能会发现部分段落、甚至整个页面都还是英文的。您可以在 Weblate 上进行翻译或者校对已有内容,来帮助社区。

For the time being, localized translations are only available for the "stable" branch. You can still view the English documentation for other engine versions using the "Read the Docs" panel at the bottom of the sidebar.

欢迎来到 Godot 引擎的官方文档,Godot 引擎是一款自由开源、由社区驱动的 2D 和 3D 游戏引擎!如果您初次阅读本文档,我们建议您读一下简介页面,以对本文档的内容有一个整体的了解。

The table of contents in the sidebar should let you easily access the documentation for your topic of interest. You can also use the search function in the top-left corner.

Get involved

Godot 引擎是由志愿者社区驱动的开源项目。文档团队会听取您的反馈,以此来改进教程和类参考手册。如果您有看不懂的地方,或者在文档中找不到想要的内容,请告诉我们,我们一起把文档变得更好!

您可以在 GitHub 仓库上提交问题或拉取请求(Pull Request),可以帮助我们将文档翻译成您使用的语言,您也可以在 Godot 贡献者聊天#documentation 频道中和我们交流!


Offline documentation

To browse the documentation offline, you can use the mirror of the documentation hosted on DevDocs. To enable offline browsing on DevDocs, you need to:

  • Click the three dots in the top-left corner, choose Preferences.

  • Enable the desired version of the Godot documentation by checking the box next to it in the sidebar.

  • Click the three dots in the top-left corner, choose Offline data.

  • Click the Install link next to the Godot documentation.

You can also download an HTML copy for offline reading (updated every Monday). Extract the ZIP archive then open the top-level index.html in a web browser.