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Kompilowanie dla iOS

Zobacz także

This page describes how to compile iOS export template binaries from source. If you're looking to export your project to iOS instead, read Eksportowanie na iOS.


If you are building the master branch:

  • Download and follow README instructions to build a static .xcframework from the MoltenVK SDK.


If you have Homebrew installed, you can easily install SCons using the following command:

brew install scons

Installing Homebrew will also fetch the Command Line Tools for Xcode automatically if you don't have them already.

Similarly, if you have MacPorts installed, you can easily install SCons using the following command:

sudo port install scons

Zobacz także

To get the Godot source code for compiling, see Zdobywanie kodu źródłowego.

For a general overview of SCons usage for Godot, see Wstęp do systemu budowania.


Otwórz terminal, przejdź do głównego katalogu kodu źródłowego silnika i wpisz:

$ scons p=ios target=template_debug

for a debug build, or:

$ scons p=ios target=template_release

for a release build (check platform/ios/detect.py for the compiler flags used for each configuration).

Możesz również uruchomić

$ scons p=ios target=template_debug ios_simulator=yes arch=x86_64
$ scons p=ios target=template_debug ios_simulator=yes arch=arm64

for a Simulator libraries.

To create an Xcode project like in the official builds, you need to use the template located in misc/dist/ios_xcode. The release and debug libraries should be placed in libgodot.ios.debug.xcframework and libgodot.ios.release.xcframework respectively.

$ cp -r misc/dist/ios_xcode .

$ cp libgodot.ios.template_debug.arm64.a ios_xcode/libgodot.ios.debug.xcframework/ios-arm64/libgodot.a
$ lipo -create libgodot.ios.template_debug.arm64.simulator.a libgodot.ios.template_debug.x86_64.simulator.a -output ios_xcode/libgodot.ios.debug.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/libgodot.a

$ cp libgodot.ios.template_release.arm64.a ios_xcode/libgodot.ios.release.xcframework/ios-arm64/libgodot.a
$ lipo -create libgodot.ios.template_release.arm64.simulator.a libgodot.ios.template_release.x86_64.simulator.a -output ios_xcode/libgodot.ios.release.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/libgodot.a

The MoltenVK static .xcframework folder must also be placed in the ios_xcode folder once it has been created.


To run on a device or simulator, follow these instructions: Eksportowanie na iOS.