Compiling for Universal Windows Platform

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This page describes how to compile UWP export template binaries from source. If you're looking to export your project to UWP instead, read Exportando para a Plataforma Universal do Windows.


  • SCons 3.0+ (see Compilando para Windows for more details).

  • Visual Studio 2017 or later. See Compilando para Windows about the caveats of installing it and the various prompts.

  • Windows 10 SDK (can be selected in Visual Studio installation).

  • ANGLE source. Use the ms_master (default) branch. Keep it in a path without spaces to avoid problems.


The ANGLE repo by Microsoft has been discontinued and the ms_master branch has been cleared out.

As a temporary workaround however, it is still possible to download an older state of the source code via commit c61d048.

This page will eventually be updated in the future to reflect the new build instructions.

Ver também

To get the Godot source code for compiling, see Conseguindo o código fonte.

For a general overview of SCons usage for Godot, see Introduction to the buildsystem.


You need to open a proper Visual Studio prompt for the target architecture you want to build. Check Compilando para Windows to see how these prompts work.

There are three target architectures for UWP: x86 (32-bits), x64 (64-bits) and ARM (32-bits). For the latter, you can run vcvarsall.bat with x86_arm or amd64_arm as argument to set the environment.

Set the ANGLE_SRC_PATH to the directory where you downloaded the ANGLE source code. The build process will also build ANGLE to produce the required DLLs for the selected architecture.

Once you're set, run the SCons command similarly to the other platforms:

C:\godot>scons platform=uwp

Creating UWP export templates

To export using the editor you need to properly build package the templates. You need all three architectures with debug and release templates to be able to export.

Open the command prompt for one architecture and run SCons twice (once for each target):

C:\godot>scons platform=uwp target=release_debug
C:\godot>scons platform=uwp target=release

Repeat for the other architectures.

In the end your bin folder will have the .exe binaries with a name like godot.uwp.opt.debug.32.x86.exe (with variations for each target/arch).

Copy one of these to misc/dist/uwp_template inside the Godot source folder and rename the binary to godot.uwp.exe. From the ANGLE source, under winrt/10/src/Release_%arch% (where %arch% can be Win32, x64 or ARM), get the libEGL.dll and the libGLESv2.dll, putting them along with the executable.

Add the files in the uwp_template folder to a ZIP. Rename the resulting Zip according to the target/architecture of the template:

Move those templates to the [versionstring]\templates folder in Godot settings path, where versionstring is the version of Godot you have compiled the export templates for - e.g. 3.0.alpha for the alpha version of Godot 3. If you don't want to replace the templates, you can set the "Custom Package" property in the export window.

Running UWP apps with Visual Studio

If you want to debug the UWP port or simply run your apps without packaging and signing, you can deploy and launch them using Visual Studio. It might be the easiest way if you are testing on a device such as a Windows Phone or an Xbox One.

Within the ANGLE source folder, open templates and double-click the install.bat script file. This will install the Visual Studio project templates for ANGLE apps.

If you have not built Godot yet, open the winrt/10/src/angle.sln solution from the ANGLE source and build it to Release/Win32 target. You may also need to build it for ARM if you plan to run on a device. You can also use MSBuild if you're comfortable with the command line.

Create a new Windows App project using the "App for OpenGL ES (Windows Universal)" project template, which can be found under the Visual C++/Windows/Universal category.

This is a base project with the ANGLE dependencies already set up. However, by default it picks the debug version of the DLLs which usually have poor performance. So in the "Binaries" filter, click in each of the DLLs there and in the "Properties" window and change the relative path from Debug_Win32 to Release_Win32 (or Release_ARM for devices).

In the same "Binaries" filter, select "Add > Existing Item" and point to the Godot executable for UWP you have. In the "Properties" window, set "Content" to True so it's included in the project.

Right-click the Package.appxmanifest file and select "Open With... > XML (Text) Editor". In the Package/Applications/Application element, replace the Executable attribute from $targetnametoken$.exe to godot.uwp.exe (or whatever your Godot executable is called). Also change the EntryPoint attribute to GodotUWP.App. This will ensure that the Godot executable is correctly called when the app starts.

Crie uma pasta (não um filtro) chamado jogo na pasta do seu projeto Visual Studio e lá você pode colocar ou um arquivo data.pck``ou os arquivos do seu projeto Godot. Após isso, certifique-se de incluir todos com o comando "Adicionar > Item Existente" e definir sua propriedade "Conteúdo" para ``Verdadeiro, assim eles são copiados para o app.

Para facilitar o fluxo de trabalho, você pode abrir o "Propriedades da Solução" e na seção de "Configuração" desmarcar a opção "Construir" para o app. Você ainda deve construí-lo pelo menos uma vez para gerar alguns arquivos necessários, você pode fazer isso clicando com o botão direito no projeto (não na solução) no "Explorador de Soluções" e selecionando "Construir".

Agora você pode apenas executar o projeto e o seu app deverá abrir. Você pode também usar a opção "Iniciar Sem Depuração" à partir dos menu "Depurar" (ou pressione Ctrl + F5) para executá-lo mais rápido.