
Inherits: Reference < Object

Un mutex de sincronización (exclusión mutua).


Un mutex de sincronización (exclusión mutua). Se utiliza para sincronizar múltiples Threads, y equivale a un Semaphore binario. Garantiza que sólo un hilo puede adquirir el bloqueo a la vez. Un mutex puede utilizarse para proteger una sección crítica; sin embargo, hay que tener cuidado de evitar los bloqueos.




lock ( )


try_lock ( )


unlock ( )

Descripciones de Métodos

  • void lock ( )

Locks this Mutex, blocks until it is unlocked by the current owner.

Note: This function returns without blocking if the thread already has ownership of the mutex.

Tries locking this Mutex, but does not block. Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, @GlobalScope.ERR_BUSY otherwise.

Note: This function returns @GlobalScope.OK if the thread already has ownership of the mutex.

  • void unlock ( )

Unlocks this Mutex, leaving it to other threads.

Note: If a thread called lock or try_lock multiple times while already having ownership of the mutex, it must also call unlock the same number of times in order to unlock it correctly.