Clase cliente HTTP

HTTPClient proporciona acceso de bajo nivel a la comunicación HTTP. Para una interfaz de más alto nivel, es posible que desees echarle un vistazo a HTTPRequest primero, que tiene un tutorial disponible aquí.


Cuando exportes a Android, asegúrate de habilitar el permiso INTERNET en la configuración de exportación de Android antes de exportar el proyecto o utilizar el despliegue de un solo clic. De lo contrario, la comunicación de red de cualquier tipo será bloqueada por Android.

Aquí hay un ejemplo del uso de la clase HTTPClient. Es solo un script, por lo que se puede correr ejecutando:

c:\godot> godot -s

Se conectará y buscará un sitio web.

extends SceneTree

# HTTPClient demo
# This simple class can do HTTP requests; it will not block, but it needs to be polled.

func _init():
    var err = 0
    var http = # Create the Client.

    err = http.connect_to_host("", 80) # Connect to host/port.
    assert(err == OK) # Make sure connection is OK.

    # Wait until resolved and connected.
    while http.get_status() == HTTPClient.STATUS_CONNECTING or http.get_status() == HTTPClient.STATUS_RESOLVING:
        if not OS.has_feature("web"):
            yield(Engine.get_main_loop(), "idle_frame")

    assert(http.get_status() == HTTPClient.STATUS_CONNECTED) # Check if the connection was made successfully.

    # Some headers
    var headers = [
        "User-Agent: Pirulo/1.0 (Godot)",
        "Accept: */*"

    err = http.request(HTTPClient.METHOD_GET, "/ChangeLog-5.php", headers) # Request a page from the site (this one was chunked..)
    assert(err == OK) # Make sure all is OK.

    while http.get_status() == HTTPClient.STATUS_REQUESTING:
        # Keep polling for as long as the request is being processed.
        if OS.has_feature("web"):
            # Synchronous HTTP requests are not supported on the web,
            # so wait for the next main loop iteration.
            yield(Engine.get_main_loop(), "idle_frame")

    assert(http.get_status() == HTTPClient.STATUS_BODY or http.get_status() == HTTPClient.STATUS_CONNECTED) # Make sure request finished well.

    print("response? ", http.has_response()) # Site might not have a response.

    if http.has_response():
        # If there is a response...

        headers = http.get_response_headers_as_dictionary() # Get response headers.
        print("code: ", http.get_response_code()) # Show response code.
        print("**headers:\\n", headers) # Show headers.

        # Getting the HTTP Body

        if http.is_response_chunked():
            # Does it use chunks?
            print("Response is Chunked!")
            # Or just plain Content-Length
            var bl = http.get_response_body_length()
            print("Response Length: ", bl)

        # This method works for both anyway

        var rb = PoolByteArray() # Array that will hold the data.

        while http.get_status() == HTTPClient.STATUS_BODY:
            # While there is body left to be read
            # Get a chunk.
            var chunk = http.read_response_body_chunk()
            if chunk.size() == 0:
                if not OS.has_feature("web"):
                    # Got nothing, wait for buffers to fill a bit.
                    yield(Engine.get_main_loop(), "idle_frame")
                rb = rb + chunk # Append to read buffer.
        # Done!

        print("bytes got: ", rb.size())
        var text = rb.get_string_from_ascii()
        print("Text: ", text)
