
Inherits: Object

Inherited By: AESContext, ARVRInterface, ARVRPositionalTracker, AStar, AStar2D, AnimationTrackEditPlugin, AudioEffectInstance, AudioStreamPlayback, CameraFeed, CharFXTransform, ConfigFile, Crypto, DTLSServer, Directory, EditorExportPlugin, EditorFeatureProfile, EditorInspectorPlugin, EditorResourceConversionPlugin, EditorResourcePreviewGenerator, EditorSceneImporter, EditorScenePostImport, EditorScript, EncodedObjectAsID, Expression, File, FuncRef, GDNative, GDScriptFunctionState, HMACContext, HTTPClient, HashingContext, JSONParseResult, JavaClass, JavaScriptObject, KinematicCollision, KinematicCollision2D, MeshDataTool, MultiplayerAPI, Mutex, PCKPacker, PackedDataContainerRef, PacketPeer, Physics2DShapeQueryParameters, Physics2DTestMotionResult, PhysicsShapeQueryParameters, PhysicsTestMotionResult, RandomNumberGenerator, RegEx, RegExMatch, Resource, ResourceFormatLoader, ResourceFormatSaver, ResourceImporter, ResourceInteractiveLoader, SceneState, SceneTreeTimer, Semaphore, SkinReference, SpatialGizmo, SpatialVelocityTracker, StreamPeer, SurfaceTool, TCP_Server, Thread, TriangleMesh, UDPServer, UPNP, UPNPDevice, VisualScriptFunctionState, WeakRef, WebRTCPeerConnection, XMLParser

Clase base para los objetos contados como referencia.


Base class for any object that keeps a reference count. Resource and many other helper objects inherit this class.

Unlike other Object types, References keep an internal reference counter so that they are automatically released when no longer in use, and only then. References therefore do not need to be freed manually with

In the vast majority of use cases, instantiating and using Reference-derived types is all you need to do. The methods provided in this class are only for advanced users, and can cause issues if misused.

Note: In C#, references will not be freed instantly after they are no longer in use. Instead, garbage collection will run periodically and will free references that are no longer in use. This means that unused references will linger on for a while before being removed.




init_ref ( )


reference ( )


unreference ( )

Descripciones de Métodos

Inicializa el contador de referencia interno. Usa esto sólo si realmente sabes lo que estás haciendo.

Devuelve si la inicialización tuvo éxito.

  • bool reference ( )

Incrementa el contador de referencia interno. Usa esto sólo si realmente sabes lo que estás haciendo.

Devuelve true si el incremento fue exitoso, false en caso contrario.

  • bool unreference ( )

Disminuye el contador de referencia interno. Usa esto sólo si realmente sabes lo que estás haciendo.

Devuelve true si el decremento tuvo éxito, false en caso contrario.