Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: Object

Allows clients to implement OpenXR extensions with GDExtension.


OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension allows clients to implement OpenXR extensions with GDExtension. The extension should be registered with register_extension_wrapper.



_get_composition_layer(index: int) virtual


_get_composition_layer_count() virtual


_get_composition_layer_order(index: int) virtual


_get_requested_extensions() virtual


_get_suggested_tracker_names() virtual


_get_viewport_composition_layer_extension_properties() virtual


_get_viewport_composition_layer_extension_property_defaults() virtual


_on_before_instance_created() virtual


_on_event_polled(event: const void*) virtual


_on_instance_created(instance: int) virtual


_on_instance_destroyed() virtual


_on_pre_render() virtual


_on_process() virtual


_on_register_metadata() virtual


_on_session_created(session: int) virtual


_on_session_destroyed() virtual


_on_state_exiting() virtual


_on_state_focused() virtual


_on_state_idle() virtual


_on_state_loss_pending() virtual


_on_state_ready() virtual


_on_state_stopping() virtual


_on_state_synchronized() virtual


_on_state_visible() virtual


_on_viewport_composition_layer_destroyed(layer: const void*) virtual


_set_hand_joint_locations_and_get_next_pointer(hand_index: int, next_pointer: void*) virtual


_set_instance_create_info_and_get_next_pointer(next_pointer: void*) virtual


_set_session_create_and_get_next_pointer(next_pointer: void*) virtual


_set_swapchain_create_info_and_get_next_pointer(next_pointer: void*) virtual


_set_system_properties_and_get_next_pointer(next_pointer: void*) virtual


_set_viewport_composition_layer_and_get_next_pointer(layer: const void*, property_values: Dictionary, next_pointer: void*) virtual





Method Descriptions

int _get_composition_layer(index: int) virtual

Returns a pointer to an XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader struct to provide the given composition layer.

This will only be called if the extension previously registered itself with OpenXRAPIExtension.register_composition_layer_provider.

int _get_composition_layer_count() virtual

Returns the number of composition layers this extension wrapper provides via _get_composition_layer.

This will only be called if the extension previously registered itself with OpenXRAPIExtension.register_composition_layer_provider.

int _get_composition_layer_order(index: int) virtual

Returns an integer that will be used to sort the given composition layer provided via _get_composition_layer. Lower numbers will move the layer to the front of the list, and higher numbers to the end. The default projection layer has an order of 0, so layers provided by this method should probably be above or below (but not exactly) 0.

This will only be called if the extension previously registered itself with OpenXRAPIExtension.register_composition_layer_provider.

Dictionary _get_requested_extensions() virtual

Returns a Dictionary of OpenXR extensions related to this extension. The Dictionary should contain the name of the extension, mapped to a bool * cast to an integer:

  • If the bool * is a nullptr this extension is mandatory.

  • If the bool * points to a boolean, the boolean will be updated to true if the extension is enabled.

PackedStringArray _get_suggested_tracker_names() virtual

Returns a PackedStringArray of positional tracker names that are used within the extension wrapper.

Array[Dictionary] _get_viewport_composition_layer_extension_properties() virtual

Gets an array of Dictionarys that represent properties, just like Object._get_property_list, that will be added to OpenXRCompositionLayer nodes.

Dictionary _get_viewport_composition_layer_extension_property_defaults() virtual

Gets a Dictionary containing the default values for the properties returned by _get_viewport_composition_layer_extension_properties.

void _on_before_instance_created() virtual

Called before the OpenXR instance is created.

bool _on_event_polled(event: const void*) virtual

Called when there is an OpenXR event to process. When implementing, return true if the event was handled, return false otherwise.

void _on_instance_created(instance: int) virtual

Called right after the OpenXR instance is created.

void _on_instance_destroyed() virtual

Called right before the OpenXR instance is destroyed.

void _on_pre_render() virtual

Called right before the XR viewports begin their rendering step.

void _on_process() virtual

Called as part of the OpenXR process handling. This happens right before general and physics processing steps of the main loop. During this step controller data is queried and made available to game logic.

void _on_register_metadata() virtual

Allows extensions to register additional controller metadata. This function is called even when the OpenXR API is not constructed as the metadata needs to be available to the editor.

Extensions should also provide metadata regardless of whether they are supported on the host system. The controller data is used to setup action maps for users who may have access to the relevant hardware.

void _on_session_created(session: int) virtual

Called right after the OpenXR session is created.

void _on_session_destroyed() virtual

Called right before the OpenXR session is destroyed.

void _on_state_exiting() virtual

Called when the OpenXR session state is changed to exiting.

void _on_state_focused() virtual

Called when the OpenXR session state is changed to focused. This state is the active state when the game runs.

void _on_state_idle() virtual

Called when the OpenXR session state is changed to idle.

void _on_state_loss_pending() virtual

Called when the OpenXR session state is changed to loss pending.

void _on_state_ready() virtual

Called when the OpenXR session state is changed to ready. This means OpenXR is ready to set up the session.

void _on_state_stopping() virtual

Called when the OpenXR session state is changed to stopping.

void _on_state_synchronized() virtual

Called when the OpenXR session state is changed to synchronized. OpenXR also returns to this state when the application loses focus.

void _on_state_visible() virtual

Called when the OpenXR session state is changed to visible. This means OpenXR is now ready to receive frames.

void _on_viewport_composition_layer_destroyed(layer: const void*) virtual

Called when a composition layer created via OpenXRCompositionLayer is destroyed.

layer is a pointer to an XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader struct.

int _set_hand_joint_locations_and_get_next_pointer(hand_index: int, next_pointer: void*) virtual

Adds additional data structures when each hand tracker is created.

int _set_instance_create_info_and_get_next_pointer(next_pointer: void*) virtual

Adds additional data structures when the OpenXR instance is created.

int _set_session_create_and_get_next_pointer(next_pointer: void*) virtual

Adds additional data structures when the OpenXR session is created.

int _set_swapchain_create_info_and_get_next_pointer(next_pointer: void*) virtual

Adds additional data structures when creating OpenXR swapchains.

int _set_system_properties_and_get_next_pointer(next_pointer: void*) virtual

Adds additional data structures when interogating OpenXR system abilities.

int _set_viewport_composition_layer_and_get_next_pointer(layer: const void*, property_values: Dictionary, next_pointer: void*) virtual

Adds additional data structures to composition layers created by OpenXRCompositionLayer.

property_values contains the values of the properties returned by _get_viewport_composition_layer_extension_properties.

layer is a pointer to an XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader struct.

OpenXRAPIExtension get_openxr_api()

Returns the created OpenXRAPIExtension, which can be used to access the OpenXR API.

void register_extension_wrapper()

Registers the extension. This should happen at core module initialization level.

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