Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: SkeletonModifier3D < Node3D < Node < Object

Node that can be the parent of PhysicalBone3D and can apply the simulation results to Skeleton3D.


Node that can be the parent of PhysicalBone3D and can apply the simulation results to Skeleton3D.



is_simulating_physics() const


physical_bones_add_collision_exception(exception: RID)


physical_bones_remove_collision_exception(exception: RID)


physical_bones_start_simulation(bones: Array[StringName] = [])



Method Descriptions

bool is_simulating_physics() const

Returns a boolean that indicates whether the PhysicalBoneSimulator3D is running and simulating.

void physical_bones_add_collision_exception(exception: RID)

Adds a collision exception to the physical bone.

Works just like the RigidBody3D node.

void physical_bones_remove_collision_exception(exception: RID)

Removes a collision exception to the physical bone.

Works just like the RigidBody3D node.

void physical_bones_start_simulation(bones: Array[StringName] = [])

Tells the PhysicalBone3D nodes in the Skeleton to start simulating and reacting to the physics world.

Optionally, a list of bone names can be passed-in, allowing only the passed-in bones to be simulated.

void physical_bones_stop_simulation()

Tells the PhysicalBone3D nodes in the Skeleton to stop simulating.

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