
Inherits: Node < Object

Ayudante para generar vistas previas de recursos o archivos.


Este objeto se utiliza para generar vistas previas de los recursos de los archivos.

Nota: Esta clase no debe ser instanciada directamente. En su lugar, accede al singleton usando EditorInterface.get_resource_previewer.



add_preview_generator ( EditorResourcePreviewGenerator generator )


check_for_invalidation ( String path )


queue_edited_resource_preview ( Resource resource, Object receiver, String receiver_func, Variant userdata )


queue_resource_preview ( String path, Object receiver, String receiver_func, Variant userdata )


remove_preview_generator ( EditorResourcePreviewGenerator generator )


  • preview_invalidated ( String path )

Emitido si se invalida (cambia) una vista previa. path corresponde a la ruta de la vista previa.

Descripciones de Métodos

Crear un generador de previsualización propio y personalizado.

  • void check_for_invalidation ( String path )

Compruebe si el recurso ha cambiado, si es así, se invalidará y se emitirá la señal correspondiente.

Queue the resource being edited for preview. Once the preview is ready, the receiver's receiver_func will be called. The receiver_func must take the following four arguments: String path, Texture preview, Texture thumbnail_preview, Variant userdata. userdata can be anything, and will be returned when receiver_func is called.

Note: If it was not possible to create the preview the receiver_func will still be called, but the preview will be null.

Queue a resource file located at path for preview. Once the preview is ready, the receiver's receiver_func will be called. The receiver_func must take the following four arguments: String path, Texture preview, Texture thumbnail_preview, Variant userdata. userdata can be anything, and will be returned when receiver_func is called.

Note: If it was not possible to create the preview the receiver_func will still be called, but the preview will be null.

Elimina un generador de previsualización personalizado.