Aufnahmen mittels Mikrofon

Godot unterstützt Audioaufnahmen innerhalb des Spiels unter Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android und iOS.

Ein einfaches Beispiel ist in den offiziellen Demo-Projekten enthalten und wird als Unterstützung für diese Anleitung verwendet:

You will need to enable audio input in the project settings, or you'll just get empty audio files.

Der Aufbau des Beispiels

Das Beispiel besteht aus einer einzelnen Szene. Diese Szene enthält zwei Hauptteile: die GUI und das Audio.

We will focus on the audio part. In this demo, a bus named Record with the effect Record is created to handle the audio recording. An AudioStreamPlayer named AudioStreamRecord is used for recording.

../../_images/record_bus.png ../../_images/record_stream_player.png
var effect
var recording

func _ready():
    # We get the index of the "Record" bus.
    var idx = AudioServer.get_bus_index("Record")
    # And use it to retrieve its first effect, which has been defined
    # as an "AudioEffectRecord" resource.
    effect = AudioServer.get_bus_effect(idx, 0)

The audio recording is handled by the AudioEffectRecord resource which has three methods: get_recording(), is_recording_active(), and set_recording_active().

func _on_RecordButton_pressed():
    if effect.is_recording_active():
        recording = effect.get_recording()
        $PlayButton.disabled = false
        $SaveButton.disabled = false
        $RecordButton.text = "Record"
        $Status.text = ""
        $PlayButton.disabled = true
        $SaveButton.disabled = true
        $RecordButton.text = "Stop"
        $Status.text = "Recording..."

At the start of the demo, the recording effect is not active. When the user presses the RecordButton, the effect is enabled with set_recording_active(true).

On the next button press, as effect.is_recording_active() is true, the recorded stream can be stored into the recording variable by calling effect.get_recording().

func _on_PlayButton_pressed():
    var data = recording.get_data()
    $ = recording

To playback the recording, you assign the recording as the stream of the AudioStreamPlayer and call play().

func _on_SaveButton_pressed():
    var save_path = $SaveButton/Filename.text
    $Status.text = "Saved WAV file to: %s\n(%s)" % [save_path, ProjectSettings.globalize_path(save_path)]

To save the recording, you call save_to_wav() with the path to a file. In this demo, the path is defined by the user via a LineEdit input box.