Android-Plugins erstellen


Android plugins are powerful tools to extend the capabilities of the Godot engine by tapping into the functionality provided by the Android platform and ecosystem.

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Android Plugins

While introduced in Godot 3.2, the Android plugin system got a significant architecture update starting with Godot 3.2.2. The new plugin system is backward-incompatible with the previous one, but both systems are kept functional in future releases of the 3.2.x branch. Since we previously did not version the Android plugin systems, the new one is now labelled v1 and is the starting point for the modern Godot Android ecosystem.

Hinweis: In Godot 4.0 wird das vorherige System vollständig veraltet sein und entfernt werden.

As a prerequisite, make sure you understand how to set up a custom build environment for Android.

At its core, a Godot Android plugin is a Android archive library (aar archive file) with the following caveats:

  • The library must have a dependency on the Godot engine library (godot-lib.<version>.<status>.aar). A stable version is made available for each Godot release on the Godot download page.

  • Die Bibliothek muss ein speziell konfiguriertes <meta-data> -Tag in ihrer Manifestdatei enthalten.

Erstellen von Android Plugins

Prerequisite: Android Studio is strongly recommended as the IDE to use to create Android plugins. The instructions below assumes that you're using Android Studio.

  1. Folgen Sie diesen Anweisungen, um ein Android-Bibliotheksmodul für Ihr Plugin zu erstellen.

  2. Fügen Sie die Godot-Engine-Bibliothek als Abhängigkeit zu Ihrem Plugin-Modul hinzu:

  • Download the Godot engine library (godot-lib.<version>.<status>.aar) from the Godot download page (e.g.: godot-lib.3.4.2.stable.release.aar).

  • Follow these instructions to add the Godot engine library as a dependency for your plugin.

  • In the plugin module's build.gradle file, replace implementation with compileOnly for the dependency line for the Godot engine library.

  1. Create a new class in the plugin module and make sure it extends org.godotengine.godot.plugin.GodotPlugin. At runtime, it will be used to instantiate a singleton object that will be used by the Godot engine to load, initialize and run the plugin.

  2. Aktualisieren Sie die Plugin-Datei AndroidManifest.xml:

  • Öffnen Sie die Plugin-Datei AndroidManifest.xml.

  • Fügen Sie den <application></application>-Tag hinzu, falls er fehlt.

  • Fügen Sie im <application> Tag ein <meta-data> Tag-Setup wie folgt hinzu:

        android:value="[plugin.init.ClassFullName]" />

    Where PluginName is the name of the plugin, and plugin.init.ClassFullName is the full name (package + class name) of the plugin loading class.

  1. Add the remaining logic for your plugin and run the gradlew build command to generate the plugin's aar file. The build will likely generate both a debug and release aar files. Depending on your need, pick only one version (usually the release one) which to provide your users with.

    It's recommended that the aar filename matches the following pattern: [PluginName]*.aar where PluginName is the name of the plugin in PascalCase (e.g.: GodotPayment.release.aar).

  2. Create a Godot Android Plugin configuration file to help the system detect and load your plugin:

  • Die Erweiterung der Konfigurationsdatei muss gdap sein (z.B.: MyPlugin.gdap).

  • Das Konfigurationsdateiformat lautet wie folgt:

    local=["local_dep1.aar", "local_dep2.aar"]
    remote=["", ""]

    Der Abschnitt config und dessen Felder sind erforderlich und wie folgt definiert:

    • name: Name des Plugins.

    • binary_type: kann entweder local oder remote sein. Der Typ beeinflusst das Feld binary.

    • binary:

      • If binary_type is local, then this should be the filepath of the plugin aar file.

        • The filepath can be relative (e.g.: MyPlugin.aar) in which case it's relative to the res://android/plugins directory.

        • Der Dateipfad kann absolut sein: res://some_path/MyPlugin.aar.

      • If binary_type is remote, then this should be a declaration for a remote gradle binary (e.g.: org.godot.example:my-plugin:0.0.0).

    Der Abschnitt Abhängigkeiten und dessen Felder sind optional und wie folgt definiert:

    • local: contains a list of filepaths to the local .aar binary files the plugin depends on. Similarly to the binary field (when the binary_type is local), the local binaries' filepaths can be relative or absolute.

    • remote: contains a list of remote binary gradle dependencies for the plugin.

    • custom_maven_repos: contains a list of URLs specifying the custom maven repositories required for the plugin's dependencies.

Laden und Verwenden eines Android Plugins

Move the plugin configuration file (e.g.: MyPlugin.gdap) and, if any, its local binary (e.g.: MyPlugin.aar) and dependencies to the Godot project's res://android/plugins directory.

The Godot editor will automatically parse all .gdap files in the res://android/plugins directory and show a list of detected and toggleable plugins in the Android export presets window under the Plugins section.


Aus Ihrem Skript:

if Engine.has_singleton("MyPlugin"):
    var singleton = Engine.get_singleton("MyPlugin")

GDNative Ressourcen bündeln

An Android plugin can define and provide C/C++ GDNative resources, either to provide and/or access functionality from the game logic. The GDNative resources can be bundled within the plugin aar file which simplifies the distribution and deployment process:

  • The shared libraries (.so) for the defined GDNative libraries will be automatically bundled by the aar build system.

  • Godot *.gdnlib and *.gdns resource files must be manually defined in the plugin assets directory. The recommended path for these resources relative to the assets directory should be: godot/plugin/v1/[PluginName]/.

For GDNative libraries, the plugin singleton object must override the org.godotengine.godot.plugin.GodotPlugin::getPluginGDNativeLibrariesPaths() method, and return the paths to the bundled GDNative libraries config files (*.gdnlib). The paths must be relative to the assets directory. At runtime, the plugin will provide these paths to Godot core which will use them to load and initialize the bundled GDNative libraries.



Godot stürzt beim Laden ab

Überprüfen Sie adb logcat auf mögliche Probleme, dann:

  • Check that the methods exposed by the plugin used the following Java types: void, boolean, int, float, java.lang.String, org.godotengine.godot.Dictionary, int[], byte[], float[], java.lang.String[].

  • Komplexere Datentypen werden derzeit nicht unterstützt.