
Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Provides high performance mesh instancing.


AABB get_aabb ( ) const
Color get_instance_color ( int instance ) const
Color get_instance_custom_data ( int instance ) const
Transform get_instance_transform ( int instance ) const
Transform2D get_instance_transform_2d ( int instance ) const
void set_instance_color ( int instance, Color color )
void set_instance_custom_data ( int instance, Color custom_data )
void set_instance_transform ( int instance, Transform transform )
void set_instance_transform_2d ( int instance, Transform2D transform )


enum TransformFormat:

  • TRANSFORM_2D = 0 — Use this when using 2D transforms.
  • TRANSFORM_3D = 1 — Use this when using 3D transforms.

enum ColorFormat:

  • COLOR_NONE = 0 — Use when you are not using per-instance Colors.
  • COLOR_8BIT = 1 — Compress Color data into 8 bits when passing to shader. This uses less memory and can be faster, but the Color loses precision.
  • COLOR_FLOAT = 2 — The Color passed into set_instance_color will use 4 floats. Use this for highest precision Color.

enum CustomDataFormat:

  • CUSTOM_DATA_NONE = 0 — Use when you are not using per-instance custom data.
  • CUSTOM_DATA_8BIT = 1 — Compress custom_data into 8 bits when passing to shader. This uses less memory and can be faster, but loses precision.
  • CUSTOM_DATA_FLOAT = 2 — The Color passed into set_instance_custom_data will use 4 floats. Use this for highest precision.


MultiMesh provides low level mesh instancing. Drawing thousands of MeshInstance nodes can be slow because each object is submitted to the GPU to be drawn individually.

MultiMesh is much faster because it can draw thousands of instances with a single draw call, resulting in less API overhead.

As a drawback, if the instances are too far away of each other, performance may be reduced as every single instance will always rendered (they are spatially indexed as one, for the whole object).

Since instances may have any behavior, the AABB used for visibility must be provided by the user.

Property Descriptions

Setter set_color_format(value)
Getter get_color_format()

Format of colors in color array that gets passed to shader.

Setter set_custom_data_format(value)
Getter get_custom_data_format()

Format of custom data in custom data array that gets passed to shader.

  • int instance_count
Setter set_instance_count(value)
Getter get_instance_count()

Number of instances that will get drawn.

Setter set_mesh(value)
Getter get_mesh()

Mesh to be drawn.

Setter set_transform_format(value)
Getter get_transform_format()

Format of transform used to transform mesh, either 2D or 3D.

  • int visible_instance_count
Setter set_visible_instance_count(value)
Getter get_visible_instance_count()

Method Descriptions

  • AABB get_aabb ( ) const

Returns the visibility AABB.

  • Color get_instance_color ( int instance ) const

Get the color of a specific instance.

  • Color get_instance_custom_data ( int instance ) const

Returns the custom data that has been set for a specific instance.

Returns the Transform of a specific instance.

Returns the Transform2D of a specific instance.

  • void set_instance_color ( int instance, Color color )

Set the color of a specific instance.

For the color to take effect, ensure that color_format is non-null on the MultiMesh and SpatialMaterial.vertex_color_use_as_albedo is true on the material.

  • void set_instance_custom_data ( int instance, Color custom_data )

Set custom data for a specific instance. Although Color is used, it is just a container for 4 numbers.

  • void set_instance_transform ( int instance, Transform transform )

Set the transform for a specific instance.

  • void set_instance_transform_2d ( int instance, Transform2D transform )