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GD0203: The delegate signature of the signal must return void





Breaking- oder nicht-Breaking-Fix

Breaking - If the return type is changed

Non-breaking - If the [Signal] attribute is removed

Standardmäßig aktiviert



A delegate annotated with the [Signal] attribute has a return type when void was expected.

Beschreibung der Regel

Every signal must return void. There can be multiple callbacks registered for each signal, if signal callbacks could return something it wouldn't be possible to determine which of the returned values to use.

// This signal delegate is invalid because it doesn't return void.
public int InvalidSignalEventHandler();

// This signal delegate is valid because it returns void.
public void ValidSignalEventHandler();

Take a look at the C# signals documentation for more information about how to declare and use signals.

Wie man Verstöße behebt

To fix a violation of this rule, change the delegate to return void or remove the [Signal] attribute from the delegate. Note that removing the attribute will mean the signal is not registered.


If the signal doesn't need to interact with Godot, consider using C# events directly. Pure C# events allow you to use any C# type for its parameters.

Wann Warnungen unterdrückt werden sollten

Do not suppress a warning from this rule. Signal delegates that return something will result in unexpected runtime errors.