
Inherits: Object

Operating System functions.


Operating System functions. OS wraps the most common functionality to communicate with the host operating system, such as the clipboard, video driver, date and time, timers, environment variables, execution of binaries, command line, etc.


























Vector2( 0, 0 )



Vector2( 0, 0 )






























Vector2( 0, 0 )






Vector2( 0, 0 )



alert ( String text, String title="Alert!" )


can_draw ( ) const


can_use_threads ( ) const


center_window ( )


close_midi_inputs ( )


crash ( String message )


delay_msec ( int msec ) const


delay_usec ( int usec ) const


dump_memory_to_file ( String file )


dump_resources_to_file ( String file )


execute ( String path, PoolStringArray arguments, bool blocking=true, Array output=[ ], bool read_stderr=false, bool open_console=false )


find_scancode_from_string ( String string ) const


get_audio_driver_count ( ) const


get_audio_driver_name ( int driver ) const


get_cache_dir ( ) const


get_cmdline_args ( )


get_config_dir ( ) const


get_connected_midi_inputs ( )


get_current_video_driver ( ) const


get_data_dir ( ) const


get_date ( bool utc=false ) const


get_datetime ( bool utc=false ) const


get_datetime_from_unix_time ( int unix_time_val ) const


get_display_cutouts ( ) const


get_dynamic_memory_usage ( ) const


get_environment ( String variable ) const


get_executable_path ( ) const


get_granted_permissions ( ) const


get_ime_selection ( ) const


get_ime_text ( ) const


get_latin_keyboard_variant ( ) const


get_locale ( ) const


get_locale_language ( ) const


get_main_thread_id ( ) const


get_model_name ( ) const


get_name ( ) const


get_native_handle ( HandleType handle_type )


get_power_percent_left ( )


get_power_seconds_left ( )


get_power_state ( )


get_process_id ( ) const


get_processor_count ( ) const


get_processor_name ( ) const


get_real_window_size ( ) const


get_scancode_string ( int code ) const


get_screen_count ( ) const


get_screen_dpi ( int screen=-1 ) const


get_screen_max_scale ( ) const


get_screen_position ( int screen=-1 ) const


get_screen_refresh_rate ( int screen=-1 ) const


get_screen_scale ( int screen=-1 ) const


get_screen_size ( int screen=-1 ) const


get_splash_tick_msec ( ) const


get_static_memory_peak_usage ( ) const


get_static_memory_usage ( ) const


get_system_dir ( SystemDir dir, bool shared_storage=true ) const


get_system_time_msecs ( ) const


get_system_time_secs ( ) const


get_tablet_driver_count ( ) const


get_tablet_driver_name ( int idx ) const


get_thread_caller_id ( ) const


get_ticks_msec ( ) const


get_ticks_usec ( ) const


get_time ( bool utc=false ) const


get_time_zone_info ( ) const


get_unique_id ( ) const


get_unix_time ( ) const


get_unix_time_from_datetime ( Dictionary datetime ) const


get_user_data_dir ( ) const


get_video_driver_count ( ) const


get_video_driver_name ( VideoDriver driver ) const


get_virtual_keyboard_height ( )


get_window_safe_area ( ) const


global_menu_add_item ( String menu, String label, Variant id, Variant meta )


global_menu_add_separator ( String menu )


global_menu_clear ( String menu )


global_menu_remove_item ( String menu, int idx )


has_clipboard ( ) const


has_environment ( String variable ) const


has_feature ( String tag_name ) const


has_touchscreen_ui_hint ( ) const


has_virtual_keyboard ( ) const


hide_virtual_keyboard ( )


is_debug_build ( ) const


is_ok_left_and_cancel_right ( ) const


is_process_running ( int pid ) const


is_scancode_unicode ( int code ) const


is_stdout_verbose ( ) const


is_userfs_persistent ( ) const


is_window_always_on_top ( ) const


is_window_focused ( ) const


keyboard_get_current_layout ( ) const


keyboard_get_layout_count ( ) const


keyboard_get_layout_language ( int index ) const


keyboard_get_layout_name ( int index ) const


keyboard_get_scancode_from_physical ( int scancode ) const


keyboard_set_current_layout ( int index )


kill ( int pid )


move_to_trash ( String path ) const


move_window_to_foreground ( )


native_video_is_playing ( )


native_video_pause ( )


native_video_play ( String path, float volume, String audio_track, String subtitle_track )


native_video_stop ( )


native_video_unpause ( )


open_midi_inputs ( )


print_all_resources ( String tofile="" )


print_all_textures_by_size ( )


print_resources_by_type ( PoolStringArray types )


print_resources_in_use ( bool short=false )


request_attention ( )


request_permission ( String name )


request_permissions ( )


set_environment ( String variable, String value ) const


set_icon ( Image icon )


set_ime_active ( bool active )


set_ime_position ( Vector2 position )


set_native_icon ( String filename )


set_thread_name ( String name )


set_use_file_access_save_and_swap ( bool enabled )


set_window_always_on_top ( bool enabled )


set_window_mouse_passthrough ( PoolVector2Array region )


set_window_title ( String title )


shell_open ( String uri )


show_virtual_keyboard ( String existing_text="", bool multiline=false )


enum VideoDriver:

VideoDriver VIDEO_DRIVER_GLES2 = 1

The GLES2 rendering backend. It uses OpenGL ES 2.0 on mobile devices, OpenGL 2.1 on desktop platforms and WebGL 1.0 on the web.

VideoDriver VIDEO_DRIVER_GLES3 = 0

The GLES3 rendering backend. It uses OpenGL ES 3.0 on mobile devices, OpenGL 3.3 on desktop platforms and WebGL 2.0 on the web.

enum Weekday:

Weekday DAY_SUNDAY = 0


Weekday DAY_MONDAY = 1


Weekday DAY_TUESDAY = 2




Weekday DAY_THURSDAY = 4


Weekday DAY_FRIDAY = 5


Weekday DAY_SATURDAY = 6


enum Month:









Month MONTH_MAY = 5


Month MONTH_JUNE = 6


Month MONTH_JULY = 7












enum HandleType:


Application handle:

  • Windows: HINSTANCE of the application

  • MacOS: NSApplication* of the application (not yet implemented)

  • Android: JNIEnv* of the application (not yet implemented)


Display handle:

  • Linux: X11::Display* for the display

HandleType WINDOW_HANDLE = 2

Window handle:

  • Windows: HWND of the main window

  • Linux: X11::Window* of the main window

  • MacOS: NSWindow* of the main window (not yet implemented)

  • Android: jObject the main android activity (not yet implemented)

HandleType WINDOW_VIEW = 3

Window view:

  • Windows: HDC of the main window drawing context

  • MacOS: NSView* of the main windows view (not yet implemented)


OpenGL Context:

  • Windows: HGLRC

  • Linux: X11::GLXContext

  • MacOS: NSOpenGLContext* (not yet implemented)

enum ScreenOrientation:


Landscape screen orientation.


Portrait screen orientation.


Reverse landscape screen orientation.


Reverse portrait screen orientation.


Uses landscape or reverse landscape based on the hardware sensor.


Uses portrait or reverse portrait based on the hardware sensor.


Uses most suitable orientation based on the hardware sensor.

enum SystemDir:


Desktop directory path.


DCIM (Digital Camera Images) directory path.


Documents directory path.


Downloads directory path.


Movies directory path.


Music directory path.


Pictures directory path.


Ringtones directory path.

enum PowerState:


Unknown powerstate.


Unplugged, running on battery.


Plugged in, no battery available.


Plugged in, battery charging.


Plugged in, battery fully charged.

Property Descriptionsยถ

String clipboard = ""

  • void set_clipboard ( String value )

  • String get_clipboard ( )

The clipboard from the host OS. Might be unavailable on some platforms.

int current_screen = 0

  • void set_current_screen ( int value )

  • int get_current_screen ( )

The current screen index (starting from 0).

bool delta_smoothing = true

  • void set_delta_smoothing ( bool value )

  • bool is_delta_smoothing_enabled ( )

If true, the engine filters the time delta measured between each frame, and attempts to compensate for random variation. This will only operate on systems where V-Sync is active.

int exit_code = 0

  • void set_exit_code ( int value )

  • int get_exit_code ( )

The exit code passed to the OS when the main loop exits. By convention, an exit code of 0 indicates success whereas a non-zero exit code indicates an error. For portability reasons, the exit code should be set between 0 and 125 (inclusive).

Note: This value will be ignored if using SceneTree.quit with an exit_code argument passed.

bool keep_screen_on = true

  • void set_keep_screen_on ( bool value )

  • bool is_keep_screen_on ( )

If true, the engine tries to keep the screen on while the game is running. Useful on mobile.

bool low_processor_usage_mode = false

  • void set_low_processor_usage_mode ( bool value )

  • bool is_in_low_processor_usage_mode ( )

If true, the engine optimizes for low processor usage by only refreshing the screen if needed. Can improve battery consumption on mobile.

int low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec = 6900

  • void set_low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec ( int value )

  • int get_low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec ( )

The amount of sleeping between frames when the low-processor usage mode is enabled (in microseconds). Higher values will result in lower CPU usage.

Vector2 max_window_size = Vector2( 0, 0 )

  • void set_max_window_size ( Vector2 value )

  • Vector2 get_max_window_size ( )

The maximum size of the window (without counting window manager decorations). Does not affect fullscreen mode. Set to (0, 0) to reset to the system default value.

Vector2 min_window_size = Vector2( 0, 0 )

  • void set_min_window_size ( Vector2 value )

  • Vector2 get_min_window_size ( )

The minimum size of the window in pixels (without counting window manager decorations). Does not affect fullscreen mode. Set to (0, 0) to reset to the system's default value.

Note: By default, the project window has a minimum size of Vector2(64, 64). This prevents issues that can arise when the window is resized to a near-zero size.

ScreenOrientation screen_orientation = 0

The current screen orientation.

String tablet_driver = ""

  • void set_current_tablet_driver ( String value )

  • String get_current_tablet_driver ( )

The current tablet driver in use.

bool vsync_enabled = true

  • void set_use_vsync ( bool value )

  • bool is_vsync_enabled ( )

If true, vertical synchronization (Vsync) is enabled.

bool vsync_via_compositor = false

  • void set_vsync_via_compositor ( bool value )

  • bool is_vsync_via_compositor_enabled ( )

If true and vsync_enabled is true, the operating system's window compositor will be used for vsync when the compositor is enabled and the game is in windowed mode.

Note: This option is experimental and meant to alleviate stutter experienced by some users. However, some users have experienced a Vsync framerate halving (e.g. from 60 FPS to 30 FPS) when using it.

Note: This property is only implemented on Windows.

bool window_borderless = false

  • void set_borderless_window ( bool value )

  • bool get_borderless_window ( )

If true, removes the window frame.

Note: Setting window_borderless to false disables per-pixel transparency.

bool window_fullscreen = false

  • void set_window_fullscreen ( bool value )

  • bool is_window_fullscreen ( )

If true, the window is fullscreen.

bool window_maximized = false

  • void set_window_maximized ( bool value )

  • bool is_window_maximized ( )

If true, the window is maximized.

bool window_minimized = false

  • void set_window_minimized ( bool value )

  • bool is_window_minimized ( )

If true, the window is minimized.

bool window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled = false

  • void set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled ( bool value )

  • bool get_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled ( )

If true, the window background is transparent and the window frame is removed.

Use get_tree().get_root().set_transparent_background(true) to disable main viewport background rendering.

Note: This property has no effect if ProjectSettings.display/window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed setting is disabled.

Note: This property is implemented on HTML5, Linux, macOS, Windows, and Android. It can't be changed at runtime for Android. Use ProjectSettings.display/window/per_pixel_transparency/enabled to set it at startup instead.

Vector2 window_position = Vector2( 0, 0 )

  • void set_window_position ( Vector2 value )

  • Vector2 get_window_position ( )

The window position relative to the screen, the origin is the top left corner, +Y axis goes to the bottom and +X axis goes to the right.

bool window_resizable = true

  • void set_window_resizable ( bool value )

  • bool is_window_resizable ( )

If true, the window is resizable by the user.

Vector2 window_size = Vector2( 0, 0 )

The size of the window (without counting window manager decorations).

Method Descriptionsยถ

void alert ( String text, String title="Alert!" )

Displays a modal dialog box using the host OS' facilities. Execution is blocked until the dialog is closed.

bool can_draw ( ) const

Returns true if the host OS allows drawing.

bool can_use_threads ( ) const

Returns true if the current host platform is using multiple threads.

void center_window ( )

Centers the window on the screen if in windowed mode.

void close_midi_inputs ( )

Shuts down system MIDI driver.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

void crash ( String message )

Crashes the engine (or the editor if called within a tool script). This should only be used for testing the system's crash handler, not for any other purpose. For general error reporting, use (in order of preference) @GDScript.assert, @GDScript.push_error or alert. See also kill.

void delay_msec ( int msec ) const

Delays execution of the current thread by msec milliseconds. msec must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise, delay_msec will do nothing and will print an error message.

Note: delay_msec is a blocking way to delay code execution. To delay code execution in a non-blocking way, see SceneTree.create_timer. Yielding with SceneTree.create_timer will delay the execution of code placed below the yield without affecting the rest of the project (or editor, for EditorPlugins and EditorScripts).

Note: When delay_msec is called on the main thread, it will freeze the project and will prevent it from redrawing and registering input until the delay has passed. When using delay_msec as part of an EditorPlugin or EditorScript, it will freeze the editor but won't freeze the project if it is currently running (since the project is an independent child process).

void delay_usec ( int usec ) const

Delays execution of the current thread by usec microseconds. usec must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise, delay_usec will do nothing and will print an error message.

Note: delay_usec is a blocking way to delay code execution. To delay code execution in a non-blocking way, see SceneTree.create_timer. Yielding with SceneTree.create_timer will delay the execution of code placed below the yield without affecting the rest of the project (or editor, for EditorPlugins and EditorScripts).

Note: When delay_usec is called on the main thread, it will freeze the project and will prevent it from redrawing and registering input until the delay has passed. When using delay_usec as part of an EditorPlugin or EditorScript, it will freeze the editor but won't freeze the project if it is currently running (since the project is an independent child process).

void dump_memory_to_file ( String file )

Dumps the memory allocation ringlist to a file (only works in debug).

Entry format per line: "Address - Size - Description".

void dump_resources_to_file ( String file )

Dumps all used resources to file (only works in debug).

Entry format per line: "Resource Type : Resource Location".

At the end of the file is a statistic of all used Resource Types.

int execute ( String path, PoolStringArray arguments, bool blocking=true, Array output=[ ], bool read_stderr=false, bool open_console=false )

Execute the file at the given path with the arguments passed as an array of strings. Platform path resolution will take place. The resolved file must exist and be executable.

The arguments are used in the given order and separated by a space, so OS.execute("ping", ["-w", "3", "godotengine.org"], false) will resolve to ping -w 3 godotengine.org in the system's shell.

This method has slightly different behavior based on whether the blocking mode is enabled.

If blocking is true, the Godot thread will pause its execution while waiting for the process to terminate. The shell output of the process will be written to the output array as a single string. When the process terminates, the Godot thread will resume execution.

If blocking is false, the Godot thread will continue while the new process runs. It is not possible to retrieve the shell output in non-blocking mode, so output will be empty.

On Windows, if open_console is true and process is console app, new terminal window will be opened, it's ignored on other platforms.

The return value also depends on the blocking mode. When blocking, the method will return an exit code of the process. When non-blocking, the method returns a process ID, which you can use to monitor the process (and potentially terminate it with kill). If the process forking (non-blocking) or opening (blocking) fails, the method will return -1 or another exit code.

Example of blocking mode and retrieving the shell output:

var output = []
var exit_code = OS.execute("ls", ["-l", "/tmp"], true, output)

Example of non-blocking mode, running another instance of the project and storing its process ID:

var pid = OS.execute(OS.get_executable_path(), [], false)

If you wish to access a shell built-in or perform a composite command, a platform-specific shell can be invoked. For example:

OS.execute("CMD.exe", ["/C", "cd %TEMP% && dir"], true, output)

Note: This method is implemented on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows.

Note: To execute a Windows command interpreter built-in command, specify cmd.exe in path, /c as the first argument, and the desired command as the second argument.

Note: To execute a PowerShell built-in command, specify powershell.exe in path, -Command as the first argument, and the desired command as the second argument.

Note: To execute a Unix shell built-in command, specify shell executable name in path, -c as the first argument, and the desired command as the second argument.

int find_scancode_from_string ( String string ) const

Returns the scancode of the given string (e.g. "Escape").

int get_audio_driver_count ( ) const

Returns the total number of available audio drivers.

String get_audio_driver_name ( int driver ) const

Returns the audio driver name for the given index.

String get_cache_dir ( ) const

Returns the global cache data directory according to the operating system's standards. On Linux, this path can be overridden by setting the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable before starting the project. See File paths in Godot projects in the documentation for more information. See also get_config_dir and get_data_dir.

Not to be confused with get_user_data_dir, which returns the project-specific user data path.

PoolStringArray get_cmdline_args ( )

Returns the command-line arguments passed to the engine.

Command-line arguments can be written in any form, including both --key value and --key=value forms so they can be properly parsed, as long as custom command-line arguments do not conflict with engine arguments.

You can also incorporate environment variables using the get_environment method.

You can set ProjectSettings.editor/main_run_args to define command-line arguments to be passed by the editor when running the project.

Here's a minimal example on how to parse command-line arguments into a dictionary using the --key=value form for arguments:

var arguments = {}
for argument in OS.get_cmdline_args():
    if argument.find("=") > -1:
        var key_value = argument.split("=")
        arguments[key_value[0].lstrip("--")] = key_value[1]
        # Options without an argument will be present in the dictionary,
        # with the value set to an empty string.
        arguments[argument.lstrip("--")] = ""

String get_config_dir ( ) const

Returns the global user configuration directory according to the operating system's standards. On Linux, this path can be overridden by setting the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable before starting the project. See File paths in Godot projects in the documentation for more information. See also get_cache_dir and get_data_dir.

Not to be confused with get_user_data_dir, which returns the project-specific user data path.

PoolStringArray get_connected_midi_inputs ( )

Returns an array of MIDI device names.

The returned array will be empty if the system MIDI driver has not previously been initialised with open_midi_inputs.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

VideoDriver get_current_video_driver ( ) const

Returns the currently used video driver, using one of the values from VideoDriver.

String get_data_dir ( ) const

Returns the global user data directory according to the operating system's standards. On Linux, this path can be overridden by setting the XDG_DATA_HOME environment variable before starting the project. See File paths in Godot projects in the documentation for more information. See also get_cache_dir and get_config_dir.

Not to be confused with get_user_data_dir, which returns the project-specific user data path.

Dictionary get_date ( bool utc=false ) const

Deprecated, use Time.get_date_dict_from_system instead.

Returns current date as a dictionary of keys: year, month, day, weekday, dst (Daylight Savings Time).

Dictionary get_datetime ( bool utc=false ) const

Deprecated, use Time.get_datetime_dict_from_system instead.

Returns current datetime as a dictionary of keys: year, month, day, weekday, dst (Daylight Savings Time), hour, minute, second.

Dictionary get_datetime_from_unix_time ( int unix_time_val ) const

Deprecated, use Time.get_datetime_dict_from_unix_time instead.

Gets a dictionary of time values corresponding to the given UNIX epoch time (in seconds).

The returned Dictionary's values will be the same as get_datetime, with the exception of Daylight Savings Time as it cannot be determined from the epoch.

Array get_display_cutouts ( ) const

Returns an Array of Rect2, each of which is the bounding rectangle for a display cutout or notch. These are non-functional areas on edge-to-edge screens used by cameras and sensors. Returns an empty array if the device does not have cutouts. See also get_window_safe_area.

Note: Currently only implemented on Android. Other platforms will return an empty array even if they do have display cutouts or notches.

int get_dynamic_memory_usage ( ) const

Returns the total amount of dynamic memory used (only works in debug).

String get_environment ( String variable ) const

Returns the value of an environment variable. Returns an empty string if the environment variable doesn't exist.

Note: Double-check the casing of variable. Environment variable names are case-sensitive on all platforms except Windows.

String get_executable_path ( ) const

Returns the path to the current engine executable.

PoolStringArray get_granted_permissions ( ) const

With this function, you can get the list of dangerous permissions that have been granted to the Android application.

Note: This method is implemented on Android.

Vector2 get_ime_selection ( ) const

Returns the IME cursor position (the currently-edited portion of the string) relative to the characters in the composition string.

MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_OS_IME_UPDATE is sent to the application to notify it of changes to the IME cursor position.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS.

String get_ime_text ( ) const

Returns the IME intermediate composition string.

MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_OS_IME_UPDATE is sent to the application to notify it of changes to the IME composition string.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS.

String get_latin_keyboard_variant ( ) const

Returns the current latin keyboard variant as a String.

Possible return values are: "QWERTY", "AZERTY", "QZERTY", "DVORAK", "NEO", "COLEMAK" or "ERROR".

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows. Returns "QWERTY" on unsupported platforms.

String get_locale ( ) const

Returns the host OS locale as a string of the form language_Script_COUNTRY_VARIANT@extra. If you want only the language code and not the fully specified locale from the OS, you can use get_locale_language.

language - 2 or 3-letter language code, in lower case.

Script - optional, 4-letter script code, in title case.

COUNTRY - optional, 2 or 3-letter country code, in upper case.

VARIANT - optional, language variant, region and sort order. Variant can have any number of underscored keywords.

extra - optional, semicolon separated list of additional key words. Currency, calendar, sort order and numbering system information.

String get_locale_language ( ) const

Returns the host OS locale's 2 or 3-letter language code as a string which should be consistent on all platforms. This is equivalent to extracting the language part of the get_locale string.

This can be used to narrow down fully specified locale strings to only the "common" language code, when you don't need the additional information about country code or variants. For example, for a French Canadian user with fr_CA locale, this would return fr.

int get_main_thread_id ( ) const

Returns the ID of the main thread. See get_thread_caller_id.

Note: Thread IDs are not deterministic and may be reused across application restarts.

String get_model_name ( ) const

Returns the model name of the current device.

Note: This method is implemented on Android and iOS. Returns "GenericDevice" on unsupported platforms.

String get_name ( ) const

Returns the name of the host OS. Possible values are: "Android", "iOS", "HTML5", "OSX", "Server", "Windows", "UWP", "X11".

int get_native_handle ( HandleType handle_type )

Returns internal structure pointers for use in GDNative plugins.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux and Windows (other OSs will soon be supported).

int get_power_percent_left ( )

Returns the amount of battery left in the device as a percentage. Returns -1 if power state is unknown.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

int get_power_seconds_left ( )

Returns an estimate of the time left in seconds before the device runs out of battery. Returns -1 if power state is unknown.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

PowerState get_power_state ( )

Returns the current state of the device regarding battery and power. See PowerState constants.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

int get_process_id ( ) const

Returns the project's process ID.

Note: This method is implemented on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows.

int get_processor_count ( ) const

Returns the number of logical CPU cores available on the host machine. On CPUs with HyperThreading enabled, this number will be greater than the number of physical CPU cores.

String get_processor_name ( ) const

Returns the name of the CPU model on the host machine (e.g. "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz").

Note: This method is only implemented on Windows, macOS, Linux and iOS. On Android, HTML5 and UWP, get_processor_name returns an empty string.

Vector2 get_real_window_size ( ) const

Returns the window size including decorations like window borders.

String get_scancode_string ( int code ) const

Returns the given scancode as a string (e.g. Return values: "Escape", "Shift+Escape").

See also InputEventKey.scancode and InputEventKey.get_scancode_with_modifiers.

int get_screen_count ( ) const

Returns the number of displays attached to the host machine.

int get_screen_dpi ( int screen=-1 ) const

Returns the dots per inch density of the specified screen. If screen is -1 (the default value), the current screen will be used.

Note: On macOS, returned value is inaccurate if fractional display scaling mode is used.

Note: On Android devices, the actual screen densities are grouped into six generalized densities:

   ldpi - 120 dpi
   mdpi - 160 dpi
   hdpi - 240 dpi
  xhdpi - 320 dpi
 xxhdpi - 480 dpi
xxxhdpi - 640 dpi

Note: This method is implemented on Android, Linux, macOS and Windows. Returns 72 on unsupported platforms.

float get_screen_max_scale ( ) const

Return the greatest scale factor of all screens.

Note: On macOS returned value is 2.0 if there is at least one hiDPI (Retina) screen in the system, and 1.0 in all other cases.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS.

Vector2 get_screen_position ( int screen=-1 ) const

Returns the position of the specified screen by index. If screen is -1 (the default value), the current screen will be used.

float get_screen_refresh_rate ( int screen=-1 ) const

Returns the current refresh rate of the specified screen. If screen is -1 (the default value), the current screen will be used.

Note: Returns -1.0 if Godot fails to find the refresh rate for the specified screen. On HTML5, get_screen_refresh_rate will always return -1.0 as there is no way to retrieve the refresh rate on that platform.

To fallback to a default refresh rate if the method fails, try:

var refresh_rate = OS.get_screen_refresh_rate()
if refresh_rate < 0:
    refresh_rate = 60.0

float get_screen_scale ( int screen=-1 ) const

Return the scale factor of the specified screen by index. If screen is -1 (the default value), the current screen will be used.

Note: On macOS returned value is 2.0 for hiDPI (Retina) screen, and 1.0 for all other cases.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS.

Vector2 get_screen_size ( int screen=-1 ) const

Returns the dimensions in pixels of the specified screen. If screen is -1 (the default value), the current screen will be used.

int get_splash_tick_msec ( ) const

Returns the amount of time in milliseconds it took for the boot logo to appear.

int get_static_memory_peak_usage ( ) const

Returns the maximum amount of static memory used (only works in debug).

int get_static_memory_usage ( ) const

Returns the amount of static memory being used by the program in bytes (only works in debug).

String get_system_dir ( SystemDir dir, bool shared_storage=true ) const

Returns the actual path to commonly used folders across different platforms. Available locations are specified in SystemDir.

Note: This method is implemented on Android, Linux, macOS and Windows.

Note: Shared storage is implemented on Android and allows to differentiate between app specific and shared directories. Shared directories have additional restrictions on Android.

int get_system_time_msecs ( ) const

Returns the epoch time of the operating system in milliseconds.

int get_system_time_secs ( ) const

Returns the epoch time of the operating system in seconds.

int get_tablet_driver_count ( ) const

Returns the total number of available tablet drivers.

Note: This method is implemented on Windows.

String get_tablet_driver_name ( int idx ) const

Returns the tablet driver name for the given index.

Note: This method is implemented on Windows.

int get_thread_caller_id ( ) const

Returns the ID of the current thread. This can be used in logs to ease debugging of multi-threaded applications.

Note: Thread IDs are not deterministic and may be reused across application restarts.

int get_ticks_msec ( ) const

Deprecated, use Time.get_ticks_msec instead.

Returns the amount of time passed in milliseconds since the engine started.

int get_ticks_usec ( ) const

Deprecated, use Time.get_ticks_usec instead.

Returns the amount of time passed in microseconds since the engine started.

Dictionary get_time ( bool utc=false ) const

Deprecated, use Time.get_time_dict_from_system instead.

Returns current time as a dictionary of keys: hour, minute, second.

Dictionary get_time_zone_info ( ) const

Returns the current time zone as a dictionary with the keys: bias and name.

String get_unique_id ( ) const

Returns a string that is unique to the device.

Note: This string may change without notice if the user reinstalls/upgrades their operating system or changes their hardware. This means it should generally not be used to encrypt persistent data as the data saved before an unexpected ID change would become inaccessible. The returned string may also be falsified using external programs, so do not rely on the string returned by get_unique_id for security purposes.

Note: Returns an empty string on HTML5 and UWP, as this method isn't implemented on those platforms yet.

int get_unix_time ( ) const

Returns the current UNIX epoch timestamp in seconds.

Important: This is the system clock that the user can manually set. Never use this method for precise time calculation since its results are also subject to automatic adjustments by the operating system. Always use get_ticks_usec or get_ticks_msec for precise time calculation instead, since they are guaranteed to be monotonic (i.e. never decrease).

Note: To get a floating point timestamp with sub-second precision, use Time.get_unix_time_from_system.

int get_unix_time_from_datetime ( Dictionary datetime ) const

Gets an epoch time value from a dictionary of time values.

datetime must be populated with the following keys: year, month, day, hour, minute, second.

If the dictionary is empty 0 is returned. If some keys are omitted, they default to the equivalent values for the UNIX epoch timestamp 0 (1970-01-01 at 00:00:00 UTC).

You can pass the output from get_datetime_from_unix_time directly into this function. Daylight Savings Time (dst), if present, is ignored.

String get_user_data_dir ( ) const

Returns the absolute directory path where user data is written (user://).

On Linux, this is ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/[project_name], or ~/.local/share/[custom_name] if use_custom_user_dir is set.

On macOS, this is ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/[project_name], or ~/Library/Application Support/[custom_name] if use_custom_user_dir is set.

On Windows, this is %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\[project_name], or %APPDATA%\[custom_name] if use_custom_user_dir is set. %APPDATA% expands to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming.

If the project name is empty, user:// falls back to res://.

Not to be confused with get_data_dir, which returns the global (non-project-specific) user data directory.

int get_video_driver_count ( ) const

Returns the number of video drivers supported on the current platform.

String get_video_driver_name ( VideoDriver driver ) const

Returns the name of the video driver matching the given driver index. This index is a value from VideoDriver, and you can use get_current_video_driver to get the current backend's index.

int get_virtual_keyboard_height ( )

Returns the on-screen keyboard's height in pixels. Returns 0 if there is no keyboard or if it is currently hidden.

Rect2 get_window_safe_area ( ) const

Returns unobscured area of the window where interactive controls should be rendered.

void global_menu_add_item ( String menu, String label, Variant id, Variant meta )

Add a new item with text "label" to global menu. Use "_dock" menu to add item to the macOS dock icon menu.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS.

void global_menu_add_separator ( String menu )

Add a separator between items. Separators also occupy an index.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS.

void global_menu_clear ( String menu )

Clear the global menu, in effect removing all items.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS.

void global_menu_remove_item ( String menu, int idx )

Removes the item at index "idx" from the global menu. Note that the indexes of items after the removed item are going to be shifted by one.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS.

bool has_clipboard ( ) const

Returns true if there is content on the clipboard.

bool has_environment ( String variable ) const

Returns true if the environment variable with the name variable exists.

Note: Double-check the casing of variable. Environment variable names are case-sensitive on all platforms except Windows.

bool has_feature ( String tag_name ) const

Returns true if the feature for the given feature tag is supported in the currently running instance, depending on the platform, build etc. Can be used to check whether you're currently running a debug build, on a certain platform or arch, etc. Refer to the Feature Tags documentation for more details.

Note: Tag names are case-sensitive.

bool has_touchscreen_ui_hint ( ) const

Returns true if the device has a touchscreen or emulates one.

bool has_virtual_keyboard ( ) const

Returns true if the platform has a virtual keyboard, false otherwise.

void hide_virtual_keyboard ( )

Hides the virtual keyboard if it is shown, does nothing otherwise.

bool is_debug_build ( ) const

Returns true if the Godot binary used to run the project is a debug export template, or when running in the editor.

Returns false if the Godot binary used to run the project is a release export template.

To check whether the Godot binary used to run the project is an export template (debug or release), use OS.has_feature("standalone") instead.

bool is_ok_left_and_cancel_right ( ) const

Returns true if the OK button should appear on the left and Cancel on the right.

bool is_process_running ( int pid ) const

Returns true if the child process ID (pid) is still running or false if it has terminated.

Must be a valid ID generated from execute.

Note: This method is implemented on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows.

bool is_scancode_unicode ( int code ) const

Returns true if the input scancode corresponds to a Unicode character.

bool is_stdout_verbose ( ) const

Returns true if the engine was executed with -v (verbose stdout).

bool is_userfs_persistent ( ) const

If true, the user:// file system is persistent, so that its state is the same after a player quits and starts the game again. Relevant to the HTML5 platform, where this persistence may be unavailable.

bool is_window_always_on_top ( ) const

Returns true if the window should always be on top of other windows.

bool is_window_focused ( ) const

Returns true if the window is currently focused.

Note: Only implemented on desktop platforms. On other platforms, it will always return true.

int keyboard_get_current_layout ( ) const

Returns active keyboard layout index.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

int keyboard_get_layout_count ( ) const

Returns the number of keyboard layouts.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

String keyboard_get_layout_language ( int index ) const

Returns the ISO-639/BCP-47 language code of the keyboard layout at position index.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

String keyboard_get_layout_name ( int index ) const

Returns the localized name of the keyboard layout at position index.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

int keyboard_get_scancode_from_physical ( int scancode ) const

Converts a physical (US QWERTY) scancode to one in the active keyboard layout.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

void keyboard_set_current_layout ( int index )

Sets active keyboard layout.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

Error kill ( int pid )

Kill (terminate) the process identified by the given process ID (pid), e.g. the one returned by execute in non-blocking mode. See also crash.

Note: This method can also be used to kill processes that were not spawned by the game.

Note: This method is implemented on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows.

Error move_to_trash ( String path ) const

Moves the file or directory to the system's recycle bin. See also Directory.remove.

The method takes only global paths, so you may need to use ProjectSettings.globalize_path. Do not use it for files in res:// as it will not work in exported project.

Note: If the user has disabled the recycle bin on their system, the file will be permanently deleted instead.

var file_to_remove = "user://slot1.sav"

void move_window_to_foreground ( )

Moves the window to the front.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

bool native_video_is_playing ( )

Returns true if native video is playing.

Note: This method is only implemented on iOS.

void native_video_pause ( )

Pauses native video playback.

Note: This method is only implemented on iOS.

Error native_video_play ( String path, float volume, String audio_track, String subtitle_track )

Plays native video from the specified path, at the given volume and with audio and subtitle tracks.

Note: This method is only implemented on iOS.

void native_video_stop ( )

Stops native video playback.

Note: This method is implemented on iOS.

void native_video_unpause ( )

Resumes native video playback.

Note: This method is implemented on iOS.

void open_midi_inputs ( )

Initialises the singleton for the system MIDI driver.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

void print_all_resources ( String tofile="" )

Shows all resources in the game. Optionally, the list can be written to a file by specifying a file path in tofile.

void print_all_textures_by_size ( )

Shows the list of loaded textures sorted by size in memory.

void print_resources_by_type ( PoolStringArray types )

Shows the number of resources loaded by the game of the given types.

void print_resources_in_use ( bool short=false )

Shows all resources currently used by the game.

void request_attention ( )

Request the user attention to the window. It'll flash the taskbar button on Windows or bounce the dock icon on OSX.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

bool request_permission ( String name )

At the moment this function is only used by AudioDriverOpenSL to request permission for RECORD_AUDIO on Android.

bool request_permissions ( )

With this function, you can request dangerous permissions since normal permissions are automatically granted at install time in Android applications.

Note: This method is implemented on Android.

bool set_environment ( String variable, String value ) const

Sets the value of the environment variable variable to value. The environment variable will be set for the Godot process and any process executed with execute after running set_environment. The environment variable will not persist to processes run after the Godot process was terminated.

Note: Double-check the casing of variable. Environment variable names are case-sensitive on all platforms except Windows.

void set_icon ( Image icon )

Sets the game's icon using an Image resource.

The same image is used for window caption, taskbar/dock and window selection dialog. Image is scaled as needed.

Note: This method is implemented on HTML5, Linux, macOS and Windows.

void set_ime_active ( bool active )

Sets whether IME input mode should be enabled.

If active IME handles key events before the application and creates an composition string and suggestion list.

Application can retrieve the composition status by using get_ime_selection and get_ime_text functions.

Completed composition string is committed when input is finished.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

void set_ime_position ( Vector2 position )

Sets position of IME suggestion list popup (in window coordinates).

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

void set_native_icon ( String filename )

Sets the game's icon using a multi-size platform-specific icon file (*.ico on Windows and *.icns on macOS).

Appropriate size sub-icons are used for window caption, taskbar/dock and window selection dialog.

Note: This method is implemented on macOS and Windows.

Error set_thread_name ( String name )

Sets the name of the current thread.

void set_use_file_access_save_and_swap ( bool enabled )

Enables backup saves if enabled is true.

void set_window_always_on_top ( bool enabled )

Sets whether the window should always be on top.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

void set_window_mouse_passthrough ( PoolVector2Array region )

Sets a polygonal region of the window which accepts mouse events. Mouse events outside the region will be passed through.

Passing an empty array will disable passthrough support (all mouse events will be intercepted by the window, which is the default behavior).

# Set region, using Path2D node.

# Set region, using Polygon2D node.

# Reset region to default.

Note: On Windows, the portion of a window that lies outside the region is not drawn, while on Linux and macOS it is.

Note: This method is implemented on Linux, macOS and Windows.

void set_window_title ( String title )

Sets the window title to the specified string.

Note: This should be used sporadically. Don't set this every frame, as that will negatively affect performance on some window managers.

Note: This method is implemented on HTML5, Linux, macOS and Windows.

Error shell_open ( String uri )

Requests the OS to open a resource with the most appropriate program. For example:

  • OS.shell_open("C:\\Users\name\Downloads") on Windows opens the file explorer at the user's Downloads folder.

  • OS.shell_open("https://godotengine.org") opens the default web browser on the official Godot website.

  • OS.shell_open("mailto:example@example.com") opens the default email client with the "To" field set to example@example.com. See RFC 2368 - The [code]mailto[/code] URL scheme for a list of fields that can be added.

Use ProjectSettings.globalize_path to convert a res:// or user:// path into a system path for use with this method.

Note: Use String.percent_encode to encode characters within URLs in a URL-safe, portable way. This is especially required for line breaks. Otherwise, shell_open may not work correctly in a project exported to the Web platform.

Note: This method is implemented on Android, iOS, HTML5, Linux, macOS and Windows.

void show_virtual_keyboard ( String existing_text="", bool multiline=false )

Shows the virtual keyboard if the platform has one.

The existing_text parameter is useful for implementing your own LineEdit or TextEdit, as it tells the virtual keyboard what text has already been typed (the virtual keyboard uses it for auto-correct and predictions).

The multiline parameter needs to be set to true to be able to enter multiple lines of text, as in TextEdit.

Note: This method is implemented on Android, iOS and UWP.