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Thread-safe APIs


スレッドは、CPUとコア間で処理能力のバランスを取るために使用されます。 Godotはマルチスレッドをサポートしていますが、エンジン全体ではサポートしていません。


グローバル スコープ

Global Scope singletons are all thread-safe. Accessing servers from threads is supported (for RenderingServer and Physics servers, ensure threaded or thread-safe operation is enabled in the project settings!).



Interacting with the active scene tree is NOT thread-safe. Make sure to use mutexes when sending data between threads. If you want to call functions from a thread, the call_deferred function may be used:

# Unsafe:
# Safe:
node.call_deferred("add_child", child_node)


var enemy_scene = load("res://enemy_scene.scn")
var enemy = enemy_scene.instantiate()
enemy.add_child(weapon) # Set a weapon.
world.call_deferred("add_child", enemy)




Instancing nodes that render anything in 2D or 3D (such as Sprite) is not thread-safe by default. To make rendering thread-safe, set the Rendering > Driver > Thread Model project setting to Multi-Threaded.

Note that the Multi-Threaded thread model has several known bugs, so it may not be usable in all scenarios.


In GDScript, reading and writing elements from multiple threads is OK, but anything that changes the container size (resizing, adding or removing elements) requires locking a mutex.


Modifying a unique resource from multiple threads is not supported. However handling references on multiple threads is supported, hence loading resources on a thread is as well - scenes, textures, meshes, etc - can be loaded and manipulated on a thread and then added to the active scene on the main thread. The limitation here is as described above, one must be careful not to load the same resource from multiple threads at once, therefore it is easiest to use one thread for loading and modifying resources, and then the main thread for adding them.